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  1. Lens_flare


    Quite strange there are NO arc/S here..
  2. Lens_flare

    MULTI MIUI v5 Multi Lang 3.3.22

    something, uhm... familiar..
  3. Lens_flare


    Arc S? Whoa! Please get rid of devhost gapps link, it's impossible to dload here :( PS: hello from former miui user ;]
  4. Lens_flare

    Xiaomi New Miui Theme Policy - Effective From May 1, 2013

    Another boom from xiaomi.. pff.. I though they have done so at first. btw, hello guys :P Just got back and realised miui 5 is done for arc, tested it (even got xiaomi account [which is not for chinese only, woohoo!]), seems like they got me love it again, so besides of this I'm kinda fun here...
  5. Lens_flare


    Damn you, Xiaomi! Themes that I have to pay for, xiaomi account everywhere even on those themes dload.. Sorry, but I'm nomore a loyal MI-fan, it starts to annoy more and more with each release.. I'm putting my last attempt to port MIUI on this base and then throwing this thing up.
  6. Lens_flare

    Xiaomi Account

    Thread is moved to Q&A. Reason: contains nothing that apply to "Theme discussion" forum topics
  7. Lens_flare


    miui backup couldn't be restored somewhere else, vcard backup could be restored everywhere.
  8. Lens_flare


    "people"(previous name - contacts)? :D choose settings, choose export, and that is it - your contacts are at sd in vcard format.
  9. Lens_flare


    Jelly bean is only for google nexus series.
  10. Lens_flare


    Yesss, I thought it's my port issue (heh, I'm back :D).. guys, +1, is there a way to dismiss XIAOMI account prompt? We are not chinese(mostly ;[ )! EDIT: you might dismiss that prompt by pulling sim out, it will congratulate you are not having sim so won't get account ;] BUT NEED A PERMANENT...
  11. Lens_flare

    Guess the next Android Version Name

    Little Lime? :D
  12. Lens_flare

    Would you...

    of course yes ;]
  13. Lens_flare

    Magentium IT Services Mirror

    download speed is great, never seen such before. I'm from Russia and not all services might offer something similar.
  14. Lens_flare

    Magentium IT Services Mirror

    download speed is great, never seen such before. I'm from Russia and not all services might offer something similar.
  15. Lens_flare


  16. Lens_flare

    New Theme

    WOW, it looks like old kind miuiandroid is back! Any idea of possibility of white font on black background again? Please ;[ btw,, theme is pretty same? it's sunny here, thx :DD PS: hey guys, Mark updated avatar, and now it's pretty well Photosop-able, let's migrate to something...
  17. Lens_flare

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.8.31 Changelog

    Any news about MI new desktop?
  18. Lens_flare

    I Need help: 4 Issues while Porting MIUI from RAZR to Atrix 2

    Without logs nobody could help, just capture them for your issues. PS: browser and market issues might be about webview*.smali at framework.jar/android/webkit
  19. Lens_flare

    Micode Patchrom framework-res.apk ?!

    apktool if framework-res.apk apktool d framework-res.apk apktool b framework-res res folder is in apk.
  20. Lens_flare

    Port MIUI to ICS/JB Desire HD

    I'm sure you have sense port from desire S latest rom. I'd try it first as base coz miui for DS is anyway based on it, so guide changes to one for porting sense from other htc.