Recent content by Romão António Ferreira

  1. Romão António Ferreira

    Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

    Você pode usar um aplicativo Wi-Fi MacChanger para gerar um endereço MAC, copiar o endereço gerado pelo aplicativo MacChanger. Agora localize o arquivo / etc / firmware / wlan / qca_cld / e abra o arquivo wlan_mac.bin. Você verá uma linha semelhante a estes Intf0MacAddress = 957FDC328BF4...
  2. Romão António Ferreira

    Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

    You can use a MacChanger Wi-Fi application to generate a Mac address, copy the address generated by the MacChanger application. Now locate the / etc / firmware / wlan / qca_cld / file and open the wlan_mac.bin file. You will see a line similar to these Intf0MacAddress = 957FDC328BF4...
  3. Romão António Ferreira

    Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

    1. Disable WiFi. 3. Activate the debugger settings (Settings> over Phone> Press build number repeatedly). 2. Enable root (Settings Must be by> root access set to "Applications and ADB"). 3. Open the File Manager application. 4. Give access to the root of the file manager application (menu>...
  4. Romão António Ferreira

    Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

    INGLÊS Do not despair I was in the same situation until I got it I will help you to solve the problem in my reach now tell me what the real problem of the phone?
  5. Romão António Ferreira

    Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

    Already solved your problem? Let me know?
  6. Romão António Ferreira

    Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

    Bom dia, Eu resolvi graças a um utilizados no forum XDA-Developers. Alerto que comigo só resultou com um endreço MAC real (de um tablet antigo). Com um endereço MAC dos sites de criação não funcionava. I had the same problem, same symptoms. I too flashed a new ROM and couldn't connect to any...
  7. Romão António Ferreira

    Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

    Thank you all for the help provided but I have already solved the problem in another way
  8. Romão António Ferreira

    Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

    Hello Helder is talking about it [7.1.1] Resurrection Remix v5.8.1 [WHO] [VoLTE] Are you talking about this site, Now the steps I used were the recommended ones via twrp I did all the 4-RECOMMENDED !!! Complete cleaning and resetting the factory...
  9. Romão António Ferreira

    Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

    Hello Helder is talking about it [7.1.1] Resurrection Remix v5.8.1 [WHO] [VoLTE] Are you talking about this site, Now the steps I used were the recommended ones via twrp I did all the 4-RECOMMENDED !!! Complete cleaning and resetting the factory...
  10. Romão António Ferreira

    Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

    Sorry, my Ignorance but did not realize, Hardware problems. GSM service. You can be more specific. Ia
  11. Romão António Ferreira

    Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

    Can not connect to any router even my service provider has already sent a team to my house already have put another new router and nothing
  12. Romão António Ferreira

    Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

    Good morning Hitardo as I said I have already done all these procedures, also already flashing the official ROM through the fastboot menu, my service operator has already reconfigure the factory parameters on the rateator administration page, and nothing the phone remains in the same Look for...
  13. Romão António Ferreira

    Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

    Bom dia Hitardo como já disse já fiz todos esses procedimentos, também já piscar a ROM oficial através do menu fastboot, meu operador de serviços já fez a reconfiguração dos parâmetros de fabrica na pagina de administração do rateador, e nada o telefone continua na mesma a procurar IP, e não...
  14. Romão António Ferreira

    Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

    Thanks for the help but I have already done all these procedures and still the same I already installed via recovery twrp via fastboot adb, and nothing remains in the same trying to get the IP address but can not, I already contacted my service provider also did not solve anything , I do not...
  15. Romão António Ferreira

    Xiaomi Mi 5 Não Liga O Wi-fi

    The problem is that the phone has the ROM and is still the same