Time To Vote For Marshmallow Rom 'redmi3/pro (ido)

Yes, definitely. Just bought my redmi3 pro and very disappointed it doesn't have marshmallow. Makes it feel out of date.
I have to say I'm really not bothered if it's the very latest android, I'd rather it worked properly and the battery lasted well

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Dev on xda posted screen shot of his redmi 3 running android 7.

So why not asking for nougat right away? If one man with incomplete kernel source can do it, i'm sure xiaomi can do it too. That is, if they want to

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Dont's get me wrong guys, but your voting means nothing for Xiaomi. They got their own plans for each model. If You really want to vote go ahead for Android 7.0 ;). On the other hand it's easier to get better working on Android 5.1 which in my opinion is good enough.
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I was trying to be sarcastic, guess i failed...

I know xiaomi don't give s**t about few thousand votes on forum they even don't read.

And why would they even update android on redmi 3 when they have redmi 3s (3x).

I was hoping they would release kernel source since it's snapdragon powered phone, but what they gave to community is incomplete source. Developers can't do much about that.

Don't get me wrong, i love miui and my redmi 3, but it would bi nice to have alternative ROM without many bugs

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