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  1. A

    Mi2S - extending size of storage partition

    Thank you for explaining. i have learned a lot from messing around with this, and it worked. for people who come here looking for answers, this approach appears to work as well, and is simpler:
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    Mi2S - extending size of storage partition

    ok so i am reading up on fastboot, twrp and adb. i am actually enjoying myelf, i like fiddling with gadgets. i have adb working, as well as CWM another silly question: how do i do this step? - copy content of into /system/bin and add executable attributes if necessary i...
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    Mi2S - extending size of storage partition

    Hi thanks for the warning. i want to try this so i can learn from it. with the coninues storage warnings my phone is getting more and more useless, i have had to uninstall convenient and fun apps, an now i have reached the point where i need to start unintsalling apps i really use. i want to try...
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    Mi2S - extending size of storage partition

    Hi, i am going to try this, because my phone keeps runmning out of space. back when i got it, apps were 5MB, now they are 50MB. question to start: CWM, which is it? in the app store i see ROM manager, CWM bakcup manager, mk802 CWM recovery... 2nd question: what is ADB? is it a programm i...
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    how to connect MI2S to win7 (USB)

    hmm i spoke to soon, neither usb charger nor wall charger are very happy to connect. takes a couple of tries...could this be a hardware problem? is there any way to clean the connector in the phone or something?
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    how to connect MI2S to win7 (USB)

    ok so i found the time to wipe and update. i am now running Miui 4.6.6. but i cannot say the situation improved, now it won't even charge when it is on USB...orinary wall charger still works so screw it. the phone is nice and clean again. the only downside is that i now have to transfer 12g...
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    how to connect MI2S to win7 (USB)

    i have miui 3.5.10. but it used to work before. what i think i will do is create a backup, send it through blutooth to my pc. wipe the phone, install the newest miui and hope that it hooks up to my pc again so i can put all my music and the backup back. unless anyone has a better idea? no idea...
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    how to connect MI2S to win7 (USB)

    No i have done it before When i first got it a year ago. Yesterday i visited a friend who has one too. His phone worked fine. Then we hooked up My phone to his pc and it did nothing, so it is really My phone. I have miui .10and he has .17 does that make a difference?
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    how to connect MI2S to win7 (USB)

    Hi all, about a year ago i bought a MI2S and i am really happy with it. however, after about a year it is getting kinda clogged and i thought it was time to move my pics and photo's and video's to my PC. now i thought that when i first got the phone i simply connected it to my pc and copied all...