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    MULTI 7.2.23/24

    Could you keep Chinese Lunar calendar while Chinese selected?
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    [rom] Cm12.1 For Aries By M1cha

    He opened the source after rom zip leaked,He was angry because the rom is a beta even alpha version
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    [rom] Cm12.1 For Aries By M1cha

    Could you patch this commit ( to device in order to install gapps ?
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    [Discussion] CM12 for Aries by M1cha

    adb in twrp dosen't work too
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    [Discussion] CM12 for Aries by M1cha

    I have the same problem
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    [RECOVERY][TWRP] TWRP / for mi2(s) supports TDB

    I did that,but I couldn't choose rom zip from storage,it's not be mounted
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    [RECOVERY][TWRP] TWRP / for mi2(s) supports TDB

    it mounts userdata but storage while chosing zip
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    [15.03.2014]CWM Advanced Edition / PhilZ Touch 6.26.7 (libtouch_gui 1.18)

    it's hard for me to understand what you said:eek:o_O:p
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    [CM11/12][ROM + KERNEL][Linaro][EXT4][F2FS][UV][Intelliplug][AndMore] Khaon's kitchen 13/01

    I flashed it on ext4 partition and I couldn't boot successfully ,on f2fs it's ok
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    [CM11/12][ROM + KERNEL][Linaro][EXT4][F2FS][UV][Intelliplug][AndMore] Khaon's kitchen 13/01

    the kernel makes vibration don't work on omni just as official build before and I turn on ture double system,the mount of data partition seems has a little problem,wipe data could not clear the partition
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    [Aries][KitKat]Official OmniROM 4.4 Nightly Builds

    does vibration work now?
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    [dev] Opensource (multiboot) Bootloader: Efidroid (formerly Grub4android)

    how about yourwork?I can't wait a few second
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    [dev] Opensource (multiboot) Bootloader: Efidroid (formerly Grub4android)

    how about yourwork?I can't wait a few second
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    [ROM][LINARO] CyanogenMod 11 Modified Edition [09/09/14]

    GPU governor doesn't work
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    [ROM][OFFICIAL][KitKat 4.4.3][ARIES] PAC-man 4.4 [Nightly]

    Sorry,I don't understand what it means,could you tell me ,please?