After running RUU phone display gone now


12 Feb 2011

I need help as I did blunder mistake, I just run the RUU for my phone as I was having probs n thought to unroot n root using RUU and everything went well but now my screen just went black, I can hear the animation soundn feel vibrations and key lights are working as well, but main display is not.

Any suggestions please

I will really appreciate the help

Many Thanks

Raj Verma
Sounds to me like you may have run an RUU made for a different screen type than your phone. I'd suggest you try another RUU, your phone should be fine it just can't display anything.

If you have an SCLD phone, you need a V2 Froyo RUU. For example, if you wanted an 02 RUU, you'd get the second one:


Just look for Froyo in the RUU name, they have support for AMOLED and SLCD, all V1 roms were AMOLED only I believe.
World Wide English Froyo RUU:
Other RUU's: