Any way to remove the scrolling bar in the launcher?


25 Apr 2011
(I'm NOT talking about scrollable widgets!)

Hi everyone!
You know, when you're using the launcher you can scroll from left to right thanks to a scrolling bar right above the dock icons. is there any way to remove this bar? because it messes up with some of my widgets, it makes me change screen because i press on the bar instead of just pressing the widget button with my thumb...

thanks all!
Check this thread of mine. I wrote a while back that touching on a few launcher mods.

These are the 3 lines that control slide bar (screen bar in GB theming terms) in the Launcher2 dimens.xml

dimen name="slide_bar_height">40.0dip</dimen>
<dimen name="slide_bar_margin_bottom">57.0dip</dimen>
<dimen name="slide_bar_padding_bottom_for_workspace">8.799988dip</dimen>
Nice!!! never saw your very useful post.
I'll give it a try later.
So basically if I set slide_bat_height to 0.0dip and slide_bar_bottom to 0.0dip it'll set the slide bar with no thickness and push it to the bottom of the screen?
Whay does the slide_bar_padding_bottom_for_workspace stand for?
Pretty sure you are correct but you'll have to tinker ;)

I've never edited padding_bottom_for_workspace so I'm not sure. My guess it the spacing between the top of the hotseat and the bottom of the slide bar.

Nice!!! never saw your very useful post.
I'll give it a try later.
So basically if I set slide_bat_height to 0.0dip and slide_bar_bottom to 0.0dip it'll set the slide bar with no thickness and push it to the bottom of the screen?
Whay does the slide_bar_padding_bottom_for_workspace stand for?