Market fingerprint still 2.2.1


18 Mar 2011

I've noticed that in the translations the build.prop market fingerprint is it on 2.2.1 2.2.1 FRG83D 75603 release-keys

Whereas in the build.prop of the chinese miui deodex version its updated to 2.3 2.3.3 MIUI 1.4.15 test-keys

Should these be updated?

I've also noticed a lot of other settings which have been changed, such as the heap size reducing from 64mb to 32 mb. Are there any reason for these changes?

I've noticed that in the translations the build.prop market fingerprint is it on 2.2.1 2.2.1 FRG83D 75603 release-keys

Whereas in the build.prop of the chinese miui deodex version its updated to 2.3 2.3.3 MIUI 1.4.15 test-keys

Should these be updated?

I've also noticed a lot of other settings which have been changed, such as the heap size reducing from 64mb to 32 mb. Are there any reason for these changes?

Which phone do you have? Try to PM whoever ports MIUI to your device. He probably forgot to change that stuff.
Hi, I'm using the nexus one. So should would it be recommended to change it myself? Or wait till its changed officially?
Hi, I'm using the nexus one. So should would it be recommended to change it myself? Or wait till its changed officially?

You can change it yourself if you want. I don't see why the Nexus One would have the wrong build.prop, though, since it's an official build. I'm not saying you're wrong, because I'm sure you're right. I would just expect a native version to have the right build.prop.

I would suggest making a thread about it in the N1 section or maybe PMing Mark directly. Perhaps he can fix it in an English Pack update.
if you use test-keys Android market does not work correctly hence the use of those keys and info.

If someone has official GB keys for Nexus One, they can be included.

