- 10 Aug 2019
- 18
- 15
I'm giving up on updating this post & thread for now because I don't have time to sift through this confusing mess of a forum which for some reason is meant for two different devices.
You can find the same but updated version of this thread over here on XDA forums.
Everything below will soon be outdated!
What's the latest TWRP version for the Mi 9T and does anyone know whether this works with the latest stable xiaomi.eu ROM 10.3.14?
I'm currently using the LR.Team version and I'm on Xiaomi.eu 10.3.12 but scared to update due to the amount of people on here being stuck in fastboot..
Decided to create this thread to try and get some clarity about what versions work with what ROM etc.
See the Google Drive folder below for all download links.
Unofficial TWRP sources
LR-Team - https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pThxSY7y6mJWy0MMyB-qCw (Password is: q62n)
4DPA "davinci-fix" - https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=955101
Greek "blue Ss" - https://xiaomi-miui.gr/community/index.php/Thread/25256-TWRP-3-3-X-X-για-συσκευές-XIAOMI/
Google Drive folder of all versions: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RHz4uQxc10fxyyGBVJUZlLeAXTtvhwDt
I'll try to keep the OP and Google Drive archive updated with your replies and/or new information.
Installation instructions for the Russian 4PDA version by Skiamakhia
Recent post updates:
Added xiaomi.eu 10.3.15 to the Excel table, compatibility unknown.
Added confirmation of Stock MIUI version 10.3.11 working with 4PDA TWRP. Thanks to Eng.Raman and others.
2019-08-16Crude & quick update.
Added Skiamakhia's information.
To save some time and since it looks like we've found some stable versions I won't be linking to every source anymore. Unless it's outside of this thread, probably. I will keep updating the Excel sheet screenshot.
Prettified - only using 9.X version number for dev builds now.
Rearranged and improved excel sheet based on fmcheeta's suggestions
Added confirmation for 10.3.14 stable
Aded Schnedi's information about the stock ROM compatibility
Added excel table overview because this **** is getting out of hand
Added kezzuki's information
Added fmcheetah's information.
Added new Greek version "twrp_davinci_3.3.1_12-08-19_blue_Ss_new.img" to Google Drive archive.
Added Immortal68's information.
Added new Greek version, added Russian version install instructions
Detailed (possibly outdated) information below:
These are sorted from most likely to work, to least likely to work.
Version: 3.3.1 - LR Team / Chinese - 2019-06-07
Source: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pThxSY7y6mJWy0MMyB-qCw (Password is: q62n)
Status: Works up until Xiaomi.eu 10.3.12. Does not work with Xiaomi.eu 10.3.14 and up.
Confirmed BROKEN on Xiaomi.eu 10.3.14, see here
Confirmed working on Xiaomi.eu 10.3.12 stable by me, but I'm not sure about the latest 10.3.15 one!
Confirmed working on the stock ROM 10.3.12 by Master_T.
Note: (Sometimes?) needs extra misc.bin file to be flashed which causes the Mi 9T to think it's a K20. Chinese language is selected by default but you can change it to English. Instructions: https://xiaomi.eu/community/threads/twrp-not-flashing-booting-in-9t-eu.51183/#post-493030
Version: 3.3.1.-2 - 4PDA / Russian - Don't know when this was released/updated. - Partially working
Source: https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=955101
Status: Can't restore data! See here
Shows false "no OS installed" error messages according to Immortal68
"Work with last EU.DEV 9.7.25 and also Stable ROM." According to https://forum.xda-developers.com/mi-9t/development/unoffocial-3-1-1-2-fixed-4pda-t3952672
Note: Use following instructions or run included bat file if coming from Windows
fastboot --disable-verity --disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
fastboot erase recovery
fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
Version: 3.3.1 - Xiaomi-Miui.gr / Greek - 2019-08-12 - Partially working
Source: https://xiaomi-miui.gr/community/index.php/Thread/25256-TWRP-3-3-X-X-για-συσκευές-XIAOMI/
Status: Data backups don't work! See here
You can find the same but updated version of this thread over here on XDA forums.
Everything below will soon be outdated!
What's the latest TWRP version for the Mi 9T and does anyone know whether this works with the latest stable xiaomi.eu ROM 10.3.14?
I'm currently using the LR.Team version and I'm on Xiaomi.eu 10.3.12 but scared to update due to the amount of people on here being stuck in fastboot..
Decided to create this thread to try and get some clarity about what versions work with what ROM etc.
See the Google Drive folder below for all download links.

Unofficial TWRP sources
LR-Team - https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pThxSY7y6mJWy0MMyB-qCw (Password is: q62n)
4DPA "davinci-fix" - https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=955101
Greek "blue Ss" - https://xiaomi-miui.gr/community/index.php/Thread/25256-TWRP-3-3-X-X-για-συσκευές-XIAOMI/
Google Drive folder of all versions: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1RHz4uQxc10fxyyGBVJUZlLeAXTtvhwDt
I'll try to keep the OP and Google Drive archive updated with your replies and/or new information.
Installation instructions for the Russian 4PDA version by Skiamakhia
Recent post updates:
Added xiaomi.eu 10.3.15 to the Excel table, compatibility unknown.
Added confirmation of Stock MIUI version 10.3.11 working with 4PDA TWRP. Thanks to Eng.Raman and others.
Added Skiamakhia's information.
To save some time and since it looks like we've found some stable versions I won't be linking to every source anymore. Unless it's outside of this thread, probably. I will keep updating the Excel sheet screenshot.
Prettified - only using 9.X version number for dev builds now.
Rearranged and improved excel sheet based on fmcheeta's suggestions
Added confirmation for 10.3.14 stable
Aded Schnedi's information about the stock ROM compatibility
Added excel table overview because this **** is getting out of hand
Added kezzuki's information
Added fmcheetah's information.
Added new Greek version "twrp_davinci_3.3.1_12-08-19_blue_Ss_new.img" to Google Drive archive.
Added Immortal68's information.
Added new Greek version, added Russian version install instructions
Detailed (possibly outdated) information below:
Version: 3.3.1 - LR Team / Chinese - 2019-06-07
Source: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pThxSY7y6mJWy0MMyB-qCw (Password is: q62n)
Status: Works up until Xiaomi.eu 10.3.12. Does not work with Xiaomi.eu 10.3.14 and up.
Confirmed BROKEN on Xiaomi.eu 10.3.14, see here
Confirmed working on Xiaomi.eu 10.3.12 stable by me, but I'm not sure about the latest 10.3.15 one!
Confirmed working on the stock ROM 10.3.12 by Master_T.
Note: (Sometimes?) needs extra misc.bin file to be flashed which causes the Mi 9T to think it's a K20. Chinese language is selected by default but you can change it to English. Instructions: https://xiaomi.eu/community/threads/twrp-not-flashing-booting-in-9t-eu.51183/#post-493030
Version: 3.3.1.-2 - 4PDA / Russian - Don't know when this was released/updated. - Partially working
Status: Can't restore data! See here
Shows false "no OS installed" error messages according to Immortal68
"Work with last EU.DEV 9.7.25 and also Stable ROM." According to https://forum.xda-developers.com/mi-9t/development/unoffocial-3-1-1-2-fixed-4pda-t3952672
fastboot --disable-verity --disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
fastboot erase recovery
fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
Version: 3.3.1 - Xiaomi-Miui.gr / Greek - 2019-08-12 - Partially working
Status: Data backups don't work! See here
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