Recent content by ander

  1. ander

    Resolved Google Maps 2013 Jul 09 crashes

    He he he u'r too slow :-D or "G" is too fast :-D Looks like there is anew version of maps that works well, just installed it and it runs ok :-D
  2. ander

    Resolved Google Maps 2013 Jul 09 crashes

    It fails both in a Samsung Galaxy S and a Nexus 4 (both of them using MIUI 3.7.5 of course). Nexus 4 MIUI is based in 4.2.2 while SGS MIUI is based in 4.1.2 Same crash in both ( Java.lang.IllegalStateException in line 145) Will try to get more detailed logs. BTW it works well in CM 10.1.0