Recent content by 77v77

  1. 7


    Everything working fine on Mi Pad 4. Encountered problems with CROATIAN translation (bugs reported).
  2. 7


    Thanks for suggestions and help! Although I tried all this, hope it'll be fixed with next update. Best regards!
  3. 7


    Did that, still doesn't work...
  4. 7


    Tried everything you suggested, but nothing helps...It was all fine on last MIUI version :\
  5. 7


    Mine is WiFi only version...But except this, I can't even download apps from Google Play. Same message - waiting for network
  6. 7


    Anyone experience problems with Google Play and app update on Mi Pad 4? After this update I can't update my apps via Google play anymore. Tried to uninstall Google Play updates and clean it's data, but nothing - Waiting for network message shows everytime.
  7. 7

    Slow 5Ghz wireless

    I have similar issue with 9.2.21. od Mi Pad 4. I get 85,69Mbps instead at least 110Mbps (I get 110Mbps with Samsung Galaxy S9 or via LAN). Was your problem even worse or?
  8. 7

    No wifi 5Ghz in my Mipad 4 with miui EU

    Also happened to me. Actually I thought Mi Pad 4 doesn't support 5G. After latest update (v9.2.21), 5G network was detected automatically.
  9. 7

    Mi Pad 4 Ambient light sensor "problem"

    Problem is fixed in v9.2.21 :cool:
  10. 7

    New MIUI 10 8.9.20 [Mi Pad 4 Bugs]

    In version 9.2.21 clock size and keyboard bugs are fixed. Navigation button and fullscreen mode bugs remained.
  11. 7

    New MIUI 10 8.9.20 [Mi Pad 4 Bugs]

    Can you direct me to someone who can help me with this bugs? Thanks!
  12. 7

    New MIUI 10 8.9.20 [Mi Pad 4 Bugs]

    Does anyone else have this issues?
  13. 7

    Known Issues (Weekly ROM)

    Hi! I reported few bugs for MIUI 10 ( and MiPad4 in my thread (link bellow) and didn't get any answer. Can someone check this? My friend, me and another forum user confirmed all bugs I listed in this thread. Thanks in advance! LINK...
  14. 7

    New MIUI 10 8.9.20 [Mi Pad 4 Bugs]

    I found another bug. On Croatian keyboard (default keyboard) set to normal "qwertz" layout, there are numbers on "qwertz" part of keyboard. When I push and hold some letter, for example letter "r", OS automaticcaly gives me number 4 - which is okay. Problem is when I push and hold letter "z"...
  15. 7

    Mi Pad 4 Ambient light sensor "problem"

    I don't get your suggestion. What's the point of installing China ROM if I want EU ROM? If it's "ROM dependable" that means it can be fixed in EU ROM too.