Recent content by Adiel91

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    Not sure I understood? Does this means that dirty flash is safe, but update OTA is not? By dirty flash you mean download the zip and flash it through recovery? won't it full-wipe automatically? Thanks
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    Thanks, Can I update OTA without wiping \ factory reset entire phone between updates? Currently i have 8.8.30 version installed, i want to use the online update option from "Settings -> My device -> MIUI version" Will it require full wipe? Or can I "dirty" update using this method (and is it...
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    New user, how to properly use ROM + unlock?

    Assuming it is always a possibility.. How those answer any of my questions?
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    New user, how to properly use ROM + unlock?

    Hi Guys New here Want to install latest MIUI ROM offered here: Have couple of questions please - 1. Using mentioned thread, i got to those download locations: