Recent content by Guildamx

  1. Guildamx

    How is your battery life?

    I am really satisfied with battery. I am running latest .eu rom, with Greenify and no other particular tweaks. Still I find your battery consumption quite good and not really high. As usual, it mainly depends on how you use the phone and the only reasonable comparison are between phones you...
  2. Guildamx

    Xiaomi EU impossible

    Please read carefully what I wrote. WIPE is not sufficient. You have to FORMAT DATA in twrp.
  3. Guildamx

    Xiaomi EU impossible

    if coming from stock rom, you have to FORMAT DATA first (in TWRP) in order to remove encryption. Wipe data partition is not sufficient.
  4. Guildamx

    Do not work front camera

    From your pictures I see that you did not mount \persist, maybe because there is no such partition. Use the File Manager of the recovery and look for the \persist directory. Is there any such partition under root (\)? If not, try to create manually the directory "persist" and then mount it.
  5. Guildamx


    The only reasonable answer is... try yourself. My case (Mi Mix2S): I was able to install 8.8.X ( dev branch), then ( stable branch), then again 8.10.25 + 8.11.1 (( dev branch) without wiping data and everything worked flawlessly. Instead I was not able to move...
  6. Guildamx

    Do not work front camera

    You have to mount /persist partition first in the recovery. Then you can flash the .img file through TWRP.
  7. Guildamx

    Do not work front camera

    Maybe something went wrong with /persist partition. In the first place, I would try to flash the file persist.img via TWRP. I did the same for the issue I had on the proximity sensor. I extracted the file persist.img from the official Xiaomi global stable rom.
  8. Guildamx

    Magisk doesn't work

    Same here with magisk 17.2. Haven't tried 17.3 yet...
  9. Guildamx Stable

    The code I set was not the one of the SIM card but of the actual system. Thank you anyway for your feedback.
  10. Guildamx Stable

    Did the keyboard solve your issue? Mine seems a little different, as I can actually enter the PIN code (by the touch keyboard) but the system keeps asking me the PIN and does not let me proceed.
  11. Guildamx

    Changing rom question.

    Global Stable and Global Dev are both encrypted. In order to install rom you have to format data (not just wipe system, data, etc.) in TWRP.
  12. Guildamx Stable

    Has anyone tried the latest stable rom? I cannot pass the PIN screen... (worked flawlessly with dev rom and previous stable)
  13. Guildamx


    I do not use LastPass but I was able to activate accessibility for Nova without issues on my Mi Mix 2S.
  14. Guildamx


    Upgraded from stable (Oreo) to weekly 8.10.18 (Pie) wiping dalvik and cache (no format data) and everything is working fine on my Mi Mix 2S. Thanks to the developers for the great job. The only issue I found is that I can't access system directory in RW.
  15. Guildamx

    Problem with install newest weekly rom

    If coming from stock rom you have to format data (which is something different from wipe data / system / etc), since stock roms are encrypted and you need to remove encryption.