Recent content by lenovomen

  1. L

    AX3200 devices online/offline - clients

    Hi all, When I pair my global AX3200 router with MI app, the time of the connected devices changes only when I turn off the wifi. If I leave the house lost the connection and then go back in on the last connected date: 06/20 9:30 does not update to 9:35. With CN rom does this function work...
  2. L

    AX3200 Global router to CN firmware

    Hi all, How can I upgrade my global version router to CN firmware? What is the method?
  3. L

    How to check if someone has already unlocked the bootloader?

    Okay, thank you for the advices.
  4. L

    How to check if someone has already unlocked the bootloader?

    Do the bootloader check the small changes? For example DNS redirection? Can you say that a factory system is impossible to manipulate? So even a used appliance is safe?
  5. L

    How to check if someone has already unlocked the bootloader?

    Is there no way to trick it? So, when the Mi flash tool locking the ROM will check it if someone modified this? And if it contain malware or other wrong code will not close?
  6. L

    How to check if someone has already unlocked the bootloader?

    Hi, On a new phone, how can I check if someone has unlocked the bootloader before me? Is this possible? Or will I not see this? For example: what if it contains malware and has been locked back up with it? When dealing with a guarantee, how can you tell if someone has already unblocked it?
  7. L


    Multilanguage rom or just china, english, russian?
  8. L


    What languages are Integrated? European? Hungary?