Recent content by Marten

  1. M

    In Progress Bug in contacts provider

    Is there any hope this will ever get fixed? I still get error reports from time to time.
  2. M

    In Progress Bug in contacts provider

    Ok, please tell me: How should I write a bug report to make you read it more carefully? I mean at least two staff members have read it and all I got were two "fix your code" responses. It takes just one minute to read the stack trace and understand what's going on. When I read "Optimise your app...
  3. M

    In Progress Bug in contacts provider

    Ingbrzy, IBotPeaches did you even read the stack trace? If you don't know how to read stack traces you should not work on a ROM that others install on their devices. FYI: That faulty select statement is IN YOUR F*****G CODE!!! I'll help you with this: Open (it's...
  4. M

    In Progress Bug in contacts provider

    Here is a stack trace I received from a user: E/DatabaseUtils( 7981): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: ambiguous column name: _id (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT deleted, account_id, accounts.account_type, accounts.account_name, accounts.data_set FROM raw_contacts JOIN accounts ON...
  5. M

    In Progress Bug in contacts provider

    Hi, several users of my app CardDAV-Sync have problems with MIUI. This issue is caused by a bug in your contacts provider. The error occurs when my app commits a chunk of contacts (with ContentResolver.applyBatch). Here is the error message: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: ambiguous...