Recent content by Sir_Sni

  1. S

    I Can't Download Documents With Xiaomi.eu_6.3.17

    Do these apps have writing permission? (settings under security) Sometimes "Ask" isn't enough and you need to change it manually to "allow".
  2. S

    Accelerometer Calibration

    The problem with the cardboard videos is normal since the Redmi 3 doesn't have a real gyro. It just emulate a gyro using the accelerometer and compass. See yourself by clicking 5 times on "Kernel version" to enter the CIT mode. Then go to single tests. No gyro there.
  3. S

    Redmi 3 Bricked

    Very exciting thread, because this would be my nightmare. There are several people on different forums who write about the problem of a broken downloadmode (and i didn't see a solution yet). Please keep this alive to help others. What was your ROM before trying the flash. Are you sure it's...