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    Invalid "settings" search results, force closed

    java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.ClassCastException: android.view.ViewStub cannot be cast to com.miui.internal.widget.ActionBarOverlayLayout at...
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    Resolved Miui SIM 2 can detect but no network (mix 2)

    It works, thanks for your help!
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    Resolved Miui SIM 2 can detect but no network (mix 2)

    Same , and now I can't click on SIM options. It force close
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    Resolved Miui SIM 2 can detect but no network (mix 2)

    Same, I set SIM 2 network preferred to GSM only. When Switch default internet back to SIM 1,SIM 2 no network again
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    Resolved Miui SIM 2 can detect but no network (mix 2)

    If I set SIM 2 as default internet , it work but SIM 1 got the SIM 2 old problem. Preferred network options missing and can't make call. So it can be activated 1 of the SIM as same time.
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    Resolved Miui SIM 2 can detect but no network (mix 2)

    SIM 2 doesn't have preferred network options
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    Resolved Miui SIM 2 can detect but no network (mix 2)

    SIM 1 have preferred network options but SIM 2 doesn't
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    Xposed On Mix2s (oreo Miui9?)

    Anything version of magisk will do. Even beta version.
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    MIUI 10.0/10.1/10.2/10.3/10.4 STABLE RELEASE

    Can I flash mix3 China version to ROM?
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    Mi Mix 3 will be announced on 25th October 2018

    Is it possible to flash China version of xiaomi to firmware?
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    Xposed On Mix2s (oreo Miui9?)

    yes, i try beta 3 and beta 2, bootloop, beta 1 no problems.mi MIX 2 8.8.23 beta, magisk 16.7, magisk xposed with xposed framework v90 beta 1.
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    Xposed On Mix2s (oreo Miui9?)

    Do you try beta 2 and 3 yet?
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    Xposed Framework Installation

    i did try install xposed on rom 8.5.7, 9.1.11, 9.2.70 on mi mix 2, no problems and 9.5.60 bootloop