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  1. gil.haz

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    ES MOD v1.12.16 works on 1.12.23 rom.
  2. gil.haz

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    What about v1.12.30? does ES mod v1.12.16 support it? Gil
  3. gil.haz

    Launcher Mod weekly updates.

    Hi Andy, I have the sam problam as Mysterio33. Only I use 1.12.9 on SGS2 Sent from my GT-I9100
  4. gil.haz

    [Mod] Extended Settings - Translations - Come and help translate it to your language!

    Here is the .apk and .zip files with Full Hebrew Support.. NoOverscroll Zip MIUISettings Apk Gil
  5. gil.haz

    Launcher Mod weekly updates.

    what about 1.12.9??
  6. gil.haz

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    A few bugs.. I'm running miui 1.12.9 on SGS2, nooverscrolling.. When I set the appdawer to start from left, it works for a bit.. But then it's reset himself! Its like this in all versions.. Sent from my GT-I9100
  7. gil.haz

    [MOD]4-Way Reboot 2.1.13

    Thank you Roberto!! GIL Sent from my GT-I9100
  8. gil.haz

    [MOD]4-Way Reboot 2.1.13

    HebMIUI!! This is good news!! Sent from my GT-I9100
  9. gil.haz

    [MOD]4-Way Reboot 2.1.13

    Thank you!! Works grate! Perfect mod! they should embed it in the original miui os.. Gil Sent from my GT-I9100
  10. gil.haz

    [MOD]4-Way Reboot 2.1.13

    1.11.18 Works grate, but I had to mount /system manually.. Gil. Sent from my GT-I9100
  11. gil.haz

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Hi Andy, Here is the MIUISettings app with Full Hebrew translation: Link And this is the MOD (1.11.18) with Full Hebrew support: Link Please Insert Hebrew support in the next versions.. Gil.
  12. gil.haz

    [REQ] MOD - Back to main home screen

    Hello miui developers! It will be really nice if someone can make this twick: for when you go out of any app the luncher will go back to the main home screen.. I got tired of pressing the home key again after every time i'm leaving an app.. So, if someone can find the time to make this...
  13. gil.haz

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Bug: In 'battery options' when choosing 'battery indicator style: Top-Bar. The charging animation is not working.. 1.11.11 V4 I9100 Sent from my GT-I9100
  14. gil.haz

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    I merge full hebrew support to the 'No Overscroll V4' 1.11.11 Here is the download: If you find the time to insert it to the next versions it will be grate! If not.. well, thanks anyway!! Your work is wonderful Andy!! Sent from my GT-I9100
  15. gil.haz

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Overscrolling also not working on Version 3 on my Galaxy S2.. again stuck on boot :( Sent from my GT-I9100
  16. gil.haz

    [CONCEPT] MIUI Appdrawer

    +1 I like both concepts.. Looks very usefull!! Sent from my GT-I9100
  17. gil.haz

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Same problem in version 2. Is there no way to fix it?? Sent from my GT-I9100
  18. gil.haz

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    You are the best! Tanks!! Only the 'No Overscroll' zip works on my I9100.. when i flash the 'Overscroll' zip the phone stuck on boot. Also, way there is no hebrew support.. :( Sent from my GT-I9100
  19. gil.haz

    Google voice recognition search' doesn't work.

    Hi friends, First of all, congratulations on this site and forum! Second of all, my English is very bad! I'm using Galaxy S2.. I just finished to install the HebMIUI Rom, version 1.9.23 ... I really liked the design, comfort and everything! Only one thing really bothers me, I can not...