Hi !
I encounter a similar issue as in this thread " Bug with stable HyperOS for Houji " except it is occuring on Fuxi. Namely that the lock-screen editor and AOD instantly crashes on start.
Here is a logcat of the issue : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/an2q...CNXM.txt?rlkey=92nw9iasc5n7ynyw0cqc3j3ja&dl=0
Good day to who reads this
I encounter a similar issue as in this thread " Bug with stable HyperOS for Houji " except it is occuring on Fuxi. Namely that the lock-screen editor and AOD instantly crashes on start.
Here is a logcat of the issue : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/an2q...CNXM.txt?rlkey=92nw9iasc5n7ynyw0cqc3j3ja&dl=0
Good day to who reads this