New No Sunlight Boost | Xiaomi 13 Ultra stable


Aug 26, 2023

Display won't boost brightness in sunlight/high ambient light conditions. It just maxes out the slider, without the usual boost and lighter gamma. Works fine with current EU offical firmware. Did a reformat, also tried current DEV version. Same results.
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Display won't boost brightness in sunlight/high ambient light conditions. It just maxes out the slider, without the usual boost and lighter gamma. Works fine with current EU offical firmware. Did a reformat, also tried current DEV version. Same results.
I'm so disappointed with this, no way is it better than the Samsung s23 ultra brightness
Update: I just reflashed stock firmware, then stable, and now it's working again! Before that I was going from stock -> stable -> dev, which would then somehow make the boost not work correctly, even after flashing stable afterwards, with data wipe. Not sure it's a rom issue, but I figured this info might be useful.

Monty71: Xiaomi 13 Ultra is almost as bright as S23 Ultra. One thing to note is that both use different gamma values. X13U has much darker shadows and grays because of higher gamma value (I guess around 2.4). S23U uses gamma 2.2, so shadows and mid-tones will be quite a bit lighter. Gamma does not affect full white/black, just everything in between. Full white should almost look equal on both devices on max brightness. If yours is considerably dimmer, there might be an issue with the device.
dude is not the ROM issue. is hardware issue! My 12S Ultra have the same problematic gamma values!!! Best you stay put at Recommended Vivid Display mode. cause the white is the problem! Which is why i hated my phone soo much in comparison to Samsung S23 Ultra in movies testing.