problems after upgrading to miui 13 /android 12


16 Jul 2021
hi ,
after i upgrade my mi 11 pro to miui 13 /android 12 im facing few problems -
1. the whats app contacts are not presented by their names , only by their phone numbers
2. not all the function in my phone are translated full to my language , even the dial option (english instead of hebrew)
thnx for your help
***xiaomi.eu_multi_MI11Pro_MI11Ultra_V13.0.13.0.SKACNXM_v13-12 ***
do you think that reflashing will solve the problems of the whatsapp , the translating etc? its not part of the miui 13 well known problems bugs?
Flash it first, and tinker with your phone atleast one day and then go to if not satisfied. Do you think a random forum user can answer your question yes or no ? I say i don't effin know.
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i asked what a reflash can help , i dont know and understand , therefor i asked the experts
i asked what a reflash can help , i dont know and understand , therefor i asked the experts
I had no problem with my Mi 11 Ultra and any apps after the update without format data, so I suspect something may have gone wrong during the flash process. I would therefore flash the ROM again and make sure that the flash process went through without errors. Afterwards, to be on the safe side, I would delete Dalvik cache via wipe and only then start the system. It's worth a try and can't hurt.
xiaomi.eu_multi_MI11Pro_MI11Ultra_V13.0.13.0.SKACNXM is the right one.
This is the direct Link:

Check MD5 after download:

You need latest TWRP from here:
([BOOT] - unzip it and flash the img (Image) from current TWRP to Recovery Ramdisk. Then reboot TWRP and flash the Rom.
the link download is very slow...another 9 hours ...
i have already flashed and changed my twrp to - twrp-3.7.0_11-0-mars-TeamWin
andddddd whats that - Check MD5 after download: 618da7ffab1d978f2d87e0bc397eef05 ?
@jackyle I would not use this TWRP from TeamWin, you should use the recommended TWRP, which I have linked.
Another user in this forum got also problems with TeamWin TWRP.

MD5 is a checksum to check if the downloaded file is not corrupted.
7 zip for example can check the downloaded zip file.


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@jackyle I would not use this TWRP from TeamWin, you should use the recommended TWRP, which I have linked.
Another user in this forum got also problems with TeamWin TWRP.
oh my god , what im gonna do know? how will i flash the new twrp? like i flash the present one when i passed from android 11 to 12 with the instructions you gave me -

It's probably in C:/Program Files or C:/Program Files x86.
TWRP for Android 12 must be copied into the Program Folder of this ADB and Fastboot Tool.
You can rename 3.6.2_12-Mi11Ultra-Mi11Pro_v3.7_A12-star-skkk_7bb5f333.img - simple to: twrp.img

Then you open the Command Terminal of this Tool and type:
adb devices
(and hit enter on keyboard)

If on the phone open a permission window for RSA Fingerprint, accept it with "always" and confirm.
Phone should be recognized in Terminal as a Number and authorized.

Then you type:
adb reboot bootloader
(and hit enter on keyboard)

Phone should now start into Fastboot mode.

In Fastboot mode type:
fastboot devices

Phone should be recognized as a number and authorized.

Now type:
fastboot boot twrp.img

Phone should now boot to TWRP for Android 12,
then you have to enter your Homescreen PIN, (if you have a PIN)
After decryption process you can flash with this temporarily booted TWRP the Rom file which is flash able with TWRP (Mi 11 Ultra/Mi 11 Pro - SKACNXM-13.0.13) - Rom file must be copied to the internal storage.

...ohhhhh im in trouble....
Just flash the linked TWRP with the current TWRP to Recovery Recovery_Ramdisk and reboot Recovery
Just flash the linked TWRP with the current TWRP to Recovery Recovery_Ramdisk and reboot Recovery
please forgive me , im not an expert .
to put the twrp file inside the phone (like im doing with the rom) like he is ,without changing the name to "twrp.img" and then to press on install while im in my present "twrp" ??? the long way you showed me before isnt good eanough for this issue?
and whats that - " ...Recovery Recovery_Ramdisk and reboot Recovery" ???
please forgive me , im not an expert .
to put the twrp file inside the phone (like im doing with the rom) like he is ,without changing the name to "twrp.img" and then to press on install while im in my present "twrp" ??? the long way you showed me before isnt good eanough for this issue?
and whats that - " ...Recovery Recovery_Ramdisk and reboot Recovery" ???
Accept my friendly advise even i'm not expert. Do some research on your own and use search. I'm beginner too and learned a lot just by trial and error. And using search. Your device won't explode by doing that. ( I guess. I take no responsibility if you succeed ) I hope someone guides you through hand by hand if you are in hurry.
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hi ,
after i upgrade my mi 11 pro to miui 13 /android 12 im facing few problems -
That means you did already the upgrade to V13.0.13.0.SKACNXM..?

Just a few questions:

1) How did you update - if you don't know how to install and use TWRP?
2) Could it be that you have updated with the TWRP for Android 11, which was already on the device? Then I wouldn't be surprised if you're having problems now. Because for the Update from A11 to A12 you can use only the recommended TWRP for Android 12 or you update with Fastboot mode instead.
3) You are talking about having a TWRP from TeamWin on the device - which is not recommended. But how did you install it, or was it already on the device, as I suspected before?

It's really difficult to guide you or give you help, if you haven't the basic knowledge for:
How to connect phone into Fastboot mode / How to boot TWRP temporarily /How to use TWRP for installing an image of TWRP to Recovery Ramdisk to make it permanent / How to flash the Rom correctly.

There are a lot of instructions here in this forum, but if you can't understand them cause of missing basic knowledge, then it's really difficult and also bit danger for you, because of the risk to damage your device.
Perhaps it would be better if you find someone, which is able to do it for you or show you how to do it.
That means you did already the upgrade to V13.0.13.0.SKACNXM..?

Just a few questions:

1) How did you update - if you don't know how to install and use TWRP?
2) Could it be that you have updated with the TWRP for Android 11, which was already on the device? Then I wouldn't be surprised if you're having problems now. Because for the Update from A11 to A12 you can use only the recommended TWRP for Android 12 or you update with Fastboot mode instead.
3) You are talking about having a TWRP from TeamWin on the device - which is not recommended. But how did you install it, or was it already on the device, as I suspected before?

It's really difficult to guide you or give you help, if you haven't the basic knowledge for:
How to connect phone into Fastboot mode / How to boot TWRP temporarily /How to use TWRP for installing an image of TWRP to Recovery Ramdisk to make it permanent / How to flash the Rom correctly.

There are a lot of instructions here in this forum, but if you can't understand them cause of missing basic knowledge, then it's really difficult and also bit danger for you, because of the risk to damage your device.
Perhaps it would be better if you find someone, which is able to do it for you or show you how to do it.
my dear friend ,
according to your detailed instructions , i upgaraded my twrp to "twrp-3.7.0_11-0-mars-TeamWin" , based on the link here - ... my device is "mars" so i selected "team win" because i had it before .
i installed the twrp by the bootloader with the "adb" , exactlly like you wrote me .

after that i installed eu stable rom - "xiaomi.eu_multi_MI11Pro_MI11Ultra_V13.0.13.0.SKACNXM_v13-12 " - taken from this link -

i flashed the rom from my twrp and thats all , everything is working exept the whats app names , only number presented , and few bugs of translating to hebrew , thats all .

now you tell me whats wrong with choosing this twrp - "twrp-3.7.0_11-0-mars-TeamWin" , insted of choosing this one - [BOOT]3.6.2_12-Mi11Ultra-Mi11Pro_v6.3_A12-star-skkk ??? they both for mi 11 pro/ultra . please tell me , i want to learn .

i have the basic knowledge , but a year since ive did it before , so i ha to refresh my knowledge , its not a shame .
all i wanted to know is how to pass from my twrp to your twrp , skkk , or to flash it from my present twrp or to do it from the bootloader , which way?
My guess would be "twrp-3.7.0_11-0-mars-TeamWin" is compatible only with Android 11, versions compatible with Android 12 usually refers to it in the filename.
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@jackyle Use the links from this Post
(TWRP for Mi 11 Ultra/Pro from skkk Developers).
Downloaded TWRP is a zip file, unpack it for example with 7zip and you have the Image file
[BOOT]3.6.2_12-Mi11Ultra-Mi11Pro_v6.3_A12-star-skkk.img - rename this img to twrp.img
If your Windows Explorer doesn't show file extensions like zip, img, doc etc. then rename it just to twrp (because otherwise you will have twrp.img.img and this wouldn't work - or enable in Windows Explorer to show file extensions, then you will see .img)

You can install it two ways (it's your decision):

1. possible way:
Connect your phone with USB debugging enabled to PC and start phone into Fastboot mode.
TWRP must be in the folder of your Minimal ADB and Fastboot program and it must be copied to the internal storage of your phone.
In Fastboot mode use the command:
Fastboot boot twrp.img
After that phone should boot into the new TWRP.
In TWRP change the language from Chinese to English or your preferred language.
After this step use Install button.
Right down use "Install Image"
Choose twrp.img from internal storage and in the Pop-up window scroll down and select "Recovery_Ramdisk.
Confirm flashing.
After this step go back with navigation buttons to the main menu and choose Restart button and select" Reboot/restart Recovery.
Phone will restart to the permanently installed new TWRP.
No flash the Rom from internal storage.

2. Possible way (this will only work if current TeamWin TWRP is really for Android 12)
Copy twrp.img to the internal storage of your phone
Restart phone into your current TWRP.
Use "Install" button
Right down use "Install Image"
Choose twrp.img from internal storage and in the Pop-up window scroll down and select "Recovery_Ramdisk.
Confirm flashing.
After this step go back with navigation buttons to the main menu and choose Restart button and select" Reboot/restart Recovery.
Phone will restart to the permanently installed new TWRP.
No flash the Rom from internal storage.
Thnx brother,but please try to understand me that i followed the links of eu rom forum, i trust them that this is the proper and suitable links,i dont know something else
The TWRP in the links are not all usable for Android 12, you still have to pay attention to the one you choose.
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The TWRP in the links are not all usable for Android 12, you still have to pay attention to the one you choose.
maybe im not an expert , but yet i can read and understand what is written -

How to install a recovery image

Because of more and more working TWRP or OrangeFox on MIUI13 Android12 a little How To

and here we go ....

Unlock your device (only once)
- you need to unlock bootloader
-> a small [howto] to unlock bootloader
Install Tools and Drivers
- install USB drivers & adb and fastboot tools (Windows 10)
- install SDK Platform Tools (Windows 10 & 11 / Mac / Linux)
- install xiaomi drivers (sometimes necessary)
-> a small [howto] if you have driver issues

Download recovery rom
- download recovery image for your phone to PC
-> choose stable or weekly like you want or need

Now you need a TWRP / OrangeFox for Android 12
- download TWRP for your device from
- or download TWRP for your device from skkk
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maybe im not an expert , but yet i can read and understand what is written
It is written you need to download a TWRP for Android 12, and we are saying the TWRP you downloaded is not for Android 12. Except an extra warning saying that you really need to check that the recovery you downloaded is made for A12, I don't know what could be added.
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maybe im not an expert , but yet i can read and understand what is written -

Now you need a TWRP / OrangeFox for Android 12
- download TWRP for your device from
- or download TWRP for your device from skkk
If you use the second link "download TWRP for your device from skkk" - and you open that link, scroll down to the v6.3_A12 folder and go inside this folder, you will find "[BOOT]"
This is the latest, right one Android 12 TWRP for your device Mi 11 Pro (it's also for Mi 11 Ultra).
Download file is in zip format and not flashable in zip format, it has to be unzipped to get the Image file inside the zip.

TWRP for Android 12 is required to do the update with TWRP Method from Android 11 to Android 12.
Update the Rom to Android 12 with TWRP for Android 11 is not working, and if, then not correctly.
It can cause a lot of troubles for example phone doesn't start anymore or it starts, but have such problems you mentioned.

If your current TWRP is still for Android 11, you cannot update TWRP to Android 12 TWRP without booting TWRP for Android 12 from Fastboot mode with the command:
fastboot boot twrp.img
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ok guys , ive flashed your twrp , but till now the phone is in dark mode and nothing is seen . is dead ! i disconected him from the cable from the pc and nothing