Recent content by AmonShire

  1. AmonShire


    11 lite 5g fastboot upgrade , all working well without bugs jet , gj! p.s. found one thing intresting, display is much more vibrant and more bright even on low settings..10% is now like 40% brightness
  2. AmonShire


    Dont get it why people need twrp rom, u can do upgrade / install ten times easyer with fastboot, is fast and simple
  3. AmonShire

    MIUI 13 22.1.5/6

    Update works via phone , nice, gj! btw today Renoir got 13 stable based on new firmware, is this update based on that relese?
  4. AmonShire

    MIUI 12.6 21.12.8 (Final)

    rm -r /data/dalvik-cache rm -r /cache/dalvik-cache u need root i think
  5. AmonShire

    MIUI 12.6 21.12.8 (Final)

    google photos lol..facepalm
  6. AmonShire

    MIUI 12.6 21.12.8 (Final)

    False driver..
  7. AmonShire

    MIUI 12.6 21.12.8 (Final)

    watch video on how to install driver
  8. AmonShire

    MIUI 12.6 21.12.8 (Final)

    unlock you bootloader, download driver - watch video on how to install driver if need, on phone enable developer mode and turn usb debugin on, put phone into fastboot mode, unzip rom files that you downloaded, run script
  9. AmonShire

    MIUI 12.6 21.12.8 (Final)

    Im not useing any google service, only gmail client, i removed them all - not disable, but removed - and i have problem only with mail client have lag, and act funny..
  10. AmonShire

    MIUI 12.6 21.12.8 (Final)

    Jup email client is laggy, and is worst than before in this version - gmail.
  11. AmonShire

    MIUI 12.6 21.12.1

    same here..
  12. AmonShire

    MIUI 12.6 21.12.1

    use old menu style, it should remove this - settings - notification and control center - control center style ..
  13. AmonShire

    MIUI 12.6 21.12.1

    If you setup driver corectly, it should work just fine, seems to me you still have driver issues, remove device in manager, and add it manual, maybe will work..dunno what is problem, if you did all things i described..hmm
  14. AmonShire

    MIUI 12.6 21.12.1

    ok for all with fastboot issue , if you wanna update and have black CMD screen and nothin happens, here is fix..use this driver watch this video how to install driver if you dont know, check if you have developer usb debug on, unlocked bootloader, run bat as administrator and you need to put...
  15. AmonShire

    MIUI 12.6 21.12.1

    Did you enable developer usb debugin?