Recent content by Andidi

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    Since this update (or a few before), Contacts sync with Outlook with Myphone explorer no longer works. More precisely, contacts on the phone are no longer visible from the desktop app BUT can be written !?! So for instance if I force a transfer, contacts are duplicated, triplicated etc. Deleting...
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    MIUI 9.1 7.11.9

    I know it's not something new, but is there a way to prevent chosen apps from getting wiped by the auto clear cache (energy saving)? I set the setting to the maximum available, 30 minutes, but that's not enough. It could make sense that the 'no restriction' parameter in the apps energy saving...
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    MIUI 8.2 6.11.17

    Just did that on Github... Thank you for your reply!
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    MIUI 8.2 6.11.17

    Is it possible to modify the Camera File naming convention? Now it's IMG_MMDDYYYY_HHMMSS.jpg ----> a complete mess it should be IMG_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.jpg ---> automatic chronological sorting Because it has to do with dates, this might be a localization issue specific to Europe. UPDATE: This...
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    MULTI 6.8.4

    I haven't installed this version yet. Did the photo file naming improve? I started sorting my photos and noticed that the file naming of previous versions sucks... it's IMG_DayMonthYear_HMS instead of YMD so all the pictures are unsorted... Is there a way to tweak the parameters manually? There...