Recent content by Arximus

  1. Arximus

    Brick After Installing Xiaomi.eu_multi_mi5_6.12.8_v8-7.0

    I'm not lucky at all. I bought two screwdriver sets and non of them is able to help me... Found thread where users can make EDL cable to sent phone to flash mode, but there is no instruction how to act in case of full dischargement and unavailability to...
  2. Arximus

    Laying mi5 bricks.

    Laying mi5 bricks.
  3. Arximus

    Brick After Installing Xiaomi.eu_multi_mi5_6.12.8_v8-7.0

    My previous HTC One S, was under almost every available firmware, I`ve totally changed partition few times, and was few times bricked, but it easy recoverable. I'm still have hope that method in video will help, but for now I have no proper screwdriver
  4. Arximus

    Brick After Installing Xiaomi.eu_multi_mi5_6.12.8_v8-7.0

    Congratulations! Same thing I`ve got 5 minutes ago. Have you tryed solution in video [solution] Mi5 Hard Bricked After Update Nougat ?