Recent content by Burgers

  1. B

    Miui Battery Circle MOD for N1/Desire now for Gingerbread :)

    Any chance you can make this available for the D1? I love this mod, and the last working one was from Pendo for 12.11. I really really love this mod, will donate if that makes a difference.
  2. B

    Super Circle Battery Mod--Nexus One

    *face palm* thanks faddys123! works now :)
  3. B

    Super Circle Battery Mod--Nexus One

    Hey Pendo, Love your work, it has definitely brought my miui theme to another level. I just flashed 12.11-D1_C3d on my D1, but for some reason i have a white bar in the middle of the circle battery icon instead of the #% left. Do i need to wipe my battery data for the % to take effect? Thanks!