Recent content by Dadi11

  1. Dadi11

    MIUI 11.2 20.1.16/21 v3

    was it fixed in latest china builds or by
  2. Dadi11

    MIUI 10 8.7.5

    is there a way to enable gestures without disabling hardware keys?
  3. Dadi11

    MIUI 10 8.7.5

    how the hell you know it in 7 minutes after release?
  4. Dadi11

    How To Root 6.9.9?

    Flash latest supersu beta Sent from Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro
  5. Dadi11

    Patchrom help

    Hello. Can anybody help me with this error? what I need to do? root@dadi11-build:/home/dadi11/MiCode/stock# make fullota unzip >/dev/null -d out/ZIP cp: nie można wykonać stat na „out/ZIP/system/app.original/PicoTts.apk”: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu cp: nie można wykonać stat...
  6. Dadi11

    MULTI 4.12.5 - FINAL MIUIv5

    LG optimus g please
  7. Dadi11

    MULTI 4.12.5 - FINAL MIUIv5

    is it possible to get MIUI for LG Optimus G from you?