Recent content by darkgod99

  1. darkgod99

    MULTI 7.2.9

    having same problem remount
  2. darkgod99

    Will The Upgrade To 6 Or 7 Android On Rmn 2?

    it's possible,but i think android 7 wouldn't be possible
  3. darkgod99

    Will The Upgrade To 6 Or 7 Android On Rmn 2?

    android 6 possible but not 7 at 100%
  4. darkgod99

    Will The Upgrade To 6 Or 7 Android On Rmn 2?

    suspend 2 times they will make a big update then
  5. darkgod99

    From Miui 8.2 Developer 6.12.29 By To Last Stable

    I recommended this rom by Gyovany96 ,choose skinny v2
  6. darkgod99

    From Miui 8.2 Developer 6.12.29 By To Last Stable

    No at 100% but developer will get miui 9 more faster. Well i don't know what's your recovery
  7. darkgod99

    From Miui 8.2 Developer 6.12.29 By To Last Stable

    Believe me it's not worth. You can install dev from stable by wiping cache/Dalwiko Stable releases are much better.
  8. darkgod99

    Will The Upgrade To 6 Or 7 Android On Rmn 2? it's notre really that but it was in deep search i've Saw développent of marshmallow for march 2017
  9. darkgod99

    Will The Upgrade To 6 Or 7 Android On Rmn 2?

    yes they already mâle an thing for rmn2 it's beta testers
  10. darkgod99

    Will The Upgrade To 6 Or 7 Android On Rmn 2?

    yes android 6 i think updated suspended for redmi note 2 7.1.2
  11. darkgod99

    Improve Redmi Note 4 Battery Life?

    Nvm after lot of reboot it works. can you tell me the best configuration to get more SOT. I have currently used 1482 ghz
  12. darkgod99

    Improve Redmi Note 4 Battery Life?

    I use Fx Editor root Or Root Browser Or Build Prop Editor. test and all got blackscreen
  13. darkgod99

    Improve Redmi Note 4 Battery Life?

    {ro.mtk_perfservice_support=0 }=don't work got Black screen .
  14. darkgod99

    Tutorial How To Update/upgrade Miui?

    i don't want to update miui till a problem solve can someone tell how to disable ota completely