Recent content by Debanka

  1. Debanka


    I had updated to 12.0.5 from 12.0.4 and mi health app was constantly crashing for me. Maybe clearing app data helps but I moved back to 12.0.4 anyway
  2. Debanka

    MIUI 12.1 20.7.23

    Double tap on the message. It will open in kinda full screen format and from there you can copy specific line or word.
  3. Debanka

    MIUI 12.1 20.6.18

    The navigation buttons in the first pic are the same in Indian rom version also, that has always been like that. I guess that should be the same in China variant too, on which MIUI Eu is based. And judging by google dialler and google messages in second pic, it seems buttons in Global rom are...
  4. Debanka

    MIUI 12.0 20.6.11

    I got the update too. Under Sound and vibration setting,>ringtone>Choose local ringtone. There is option to pick ringtones from this Google sound app. Many ringtones are present there.
  5. Debanka

    MIUI 12.0 20.6.11

    Yes. I am also noticing more battery drain in this build.
  6. Debanka

    MIUI 12.0 20.6.11

    Kindly elaborate further. I am on the latest version of Orange fox recovery and using K20 pro/mi9t pro.
  7. Debanka

    MIUI 12.0 20.6.11

    While dirty flashing this week’s build over last week build , I ran into a bootloop and had to format data. After rom flash I had flashed DFE but it was stuck on the miui logo during reboot. Even after I flashed only rom zip again, my device couldn’t boot up and it was rebooting to recovery...
  8. Debanka

    MIUI 12.0 20.6.11

    Can confirm. Some chinese characters in both screen time setting section and in the control centre.
  9. Debanka

    MIUI 12.0 20.6.11

    Sorry man. If you click on the 3 dot menu in manage apps screen, there is an option to show system apps and there is wallpaper app there. But there’s only option to clear data, I didn’t see any option to uninstall updates. You can ask for the apks of super wall in your device specific telegram...
  10. Debanka

    MIUI 12.0 20.6.11

    Try this. Go to apps section in settings, search for wall, you’ll come across super wallpapers, try to uninstall . I am not sure if it will work, I am still on last week built.
  11. Debanka

    MIUI 12.0 20.5.28

    I have installed the miui 12 eu Rom today. Coming back to EU Rom after a long period. I am from India and 2 of my banking apps and google pay isn't working. In google pay, when I try to register is shows " insert sim card to register" . Anyone else from India who faced similar issue? I am using...
  12. Debanka

    MULTI 7.1.12

    What volte issues are the others facing? Jio user here. Jio works fine for me. Though I have had several random reboots after last week's update. t
  13. Debanka

    MULTI 7.1.12

    Sorry for not reading through all the posts.I am using redmi note 3 pro, how is the update this week? seeing the vote results, it doesnt seem so good. I have this weird problem on my kenzo that since some time, my phone data is always on(using JIO sim India, dont hate me for mentioning Jio...
  14. Debanka

    MULTI 6.12.8

    Did you get inline reply from notification feature? Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk
  15. Debanka

    MULTI 6.12.1

    Oh did you manage to get double tap to wake?different kernel? Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk