Recent content by desire1504

  1. desire1504

    HyperOS 2.0 HyperOS 2.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Hi, may I ask a question. No option VoWifi on this rom for Shennong, is'n it?
  2. desire1504

    HyperOS 2.0 HyperOS 2.0 STABLE RELEASE

    I' use 14 pro too, phone signal normal
  3. desire1504

    HyperOS 2.0 HyperOS 2.0 STABLE RELEASE

    I'm on Xiaomi 14 Pro too and no problem with wifi signal.
  4. desire1504

    HyperOS 2.0 HyperOS 2.0 STABLE RELEASE

    No, working normanly on my Shennong.
  5. desire1504

    HyperOS 2.0 HyperOS 2.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Awesome, can't wait anymore. Just update for my Shennong, everything work well, thanks dev.
  6. desire1504

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Just update shennong to xiaomi.eu_OS1.0.50.0.UNBCNXM_14, everything seem fine, thanks.
  7. desire1504

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    When turn on "Password manager" error report "request timeout". My device shennong eu rom ver
  8. desire1504

    HyperOS 1.0 24.7.28 (Final)

    Install again using fastboot method
  9. desire1504

    HyperOS 1.0 24.7.28 (Final)

  10. desire1504

    HyperOS 1.0 24.7.28 (Final)

    I also use Shennong and successful update from DEV to STABLE but updater not show same update as you
  11. desire1504

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Shennong update to xiaomi.eu_SHENNONG_OS1.0.48.0 from xiaomi.eu_SHENNONG_OS1. has no problem
  12. desire1504

    HyperOS 1.0 24.7.8/12

    Update ok on shennong, thank.
  13. desire1504

    HyperOS 1.0 24.6.24/29

    Updaate ok on Shennong, thanks.
  14. desire1504

    HyperOS 1.0 24.5.13

    Rom reupload, download and flash again.
  15. desire1504

    HyperOS 1.0 24.5.13

    As @gogocar62 said: only for Xiaomi 14, I use Xiaomi 14 pro.