Recent content by DomLizzi

  1. DomLizzi

    Xiaomi Mi3 64gb - "FAILED (remote: size too large)"

    Hi, I have this problem: $fastboot -s a1d48fb7 flash cache C:\cancro_images_KXDCNBH34.0_4.4_cn\images\cache.img target reported max download size of 671088640 bytes erasing 'cache'... OKAY [ 2.708s] sending 'cache' (8336 KB)... OKAY [ 0.281s] writing 'cache'... FAILED (remote: size too...
  2. DomLizzi

    [SCRIPT] Fix partition table for Android 4.4

    Hi, I nave a problemi: when I reflash the images rom (4.10.17) on my mi3 with miflash, the message "partition table doesn't exist" ... I try to fix siti the script but nothing .... The same error when flash with miflash.... Help me... How I do?