Recent content by Don Henry

  1. Don Henry

    MIUI 12.6 21.6.23 Downloading right now at high speed.... :cool:
  2. Don Henry

    MIUI 12.6 21.5.12/13

    HMK20ProMI9TPro ...Works like a charm :) Thank you very much!
  3. Don Henry

    MIUI 12.6 21.3.31/4.1/2

    ...Same here (Mi9Tpro/HMK20Pro). The new ROM is running smoothly and absolutely fine. Thanks a lot, Devs! It was worth the wait ... Oh, ...and the download was faster than ever (with up to 11.5 MB/sec.) :cool:
  4. Don Henry

    MIUI 12.5 21.1.6/7

    UPDATE: After wiping the entire device again and formatting everything (again), I was now able to clean-flash xiaomi.eu_multi_HMK20ProMI9TPro_21.1.6_v12-11 onto it. (The OTA ['Updater'] update-button was stuck as described by ingbrzy) I will update this post again, after all the apps are...
  5. Don Henry

    MIUI 12.5 21.1.6/7

    (Belated) HAPPY NEW YEAR to Everyone! Thanks a lot for your hard work, devs. My Mi9TPro/RedmiK20Pro has seen now 5 ROMs over the last 24 hours. First, I thought, it's just me, but then I saw that many comrades had similiar issues on their different devices. One of the things I noticed is this...
  6. Don Henry

    MIUI 12.1 20.8.20

    Thanx Devs! New rom works just fine on my HMK20Pro (Mi9Tpro) and my Mi8.
  7. Don Henry

    MIUI 11.2 20.3.26 (Final)

    Please, could you direct me to the website you found ? I'd like to give it a try, too ...
  8. Don Henry

    MIUI 11.2 20.3.26 (Final)

    All fine here for me with my HMK20Pro/Mi9TPro. However, I had to wipe Cache and Dalvyk after dirty flash in order to get the fingerprint scanner back to work. No big deal. Happy with this rom so far.
  9. Don Henry

    MIUI 11.2 20.1.16/21 v3

    Thanx a ton ! Great work, Dev. Team. This version is again running super nicely on my K20Pro/Mi9Tpro. Android Security Patch 2020-01-01 .... You rock ! Awesome :) Downloading now for my wife's Mi8... Enjoy your vacation (Chinese holidays) !!!!!
  10. Don Henry

    MIUI 11.2 20.1.9

    No, it's all completely and nicely DARK. (Status bar is black.)
  11. Don Henry

    MIUI 11.2 20.1.9

    Thanx a bunch developers! This one again works absolutely fine (so far) on my K20Pro/Mi9TPro/RAPHAEL. (I will try it on my wife's Mi8 later tonight :))
  12. Don Henry

    Help! Xiaomi mi 8 dual sim internet not working

    Yep, it kinda works. But I am still not happy with the reliability and stability of the network signal performance.
  13. Don Henry

    Help! Xiaomi mi 8 dual sim internet not working

    Hi Kelpshark, the new sim card arrived today. Got it registered, and it jumped onto band 20. Everything looked fine for 2 or 3 minutes. Unfortunately, it then jumped back to band 3, and hence my issue wasn't caused by the old sim card. So, yes, it might still be a (general) operator problem, a...
  14. Don Henry

    Help! Xiaomi mi 8 dual sim internet not working

    As soon as the phone is jumping onto Band 1 or Band 3 instead of Band 20 the performance goes down the drain again. When the phone is connected via Band 20 everything is fine... But it switches back ti Band 1 or 3 randomly, even while sitting in the spot on my desk. Do you know how I could...
  15. Don Henry

    Help! Xiaomi mi 8 dual sim internet not working

    This is what they say on their website: "Along with other software, apps and firmware modifications, on mi -globe. com we provide a complete ROM called “globeROM“, which is based on the official Xiaomi MIUI firmware. According to the official Xiaomi update plan, we always provide the latest...