Recent content by FireEmerald

  1. FireEmerald

    The Last Ever Stable Roms For Leo And Virgo -

    I agree that the last released weekly rom for MiNote Pro contained many bugs. The worst one for me is that sometimes the phone get's stuck in "3G" mode showing internet is available but in fact it isn't. @ingbrzy I would really appreciate it if you could tell us if you are going to release the...
  2. FireEmerald

    MULTI 7.11.9

    @ingbrzy Will still provide the stable ROMs for all those suspended devices listed in the linked article? Because Xiaomi willl indeed release the stable versions of MIUI 9.1 and 9.2 for these devices.
  3. FireEmerald

    MULTI 7.10.26

    MiNote Pro After flashing this version, my device started with a flashing loading screen - but nothing more. So be prepared to re-unlock your MiNote Pro via before you proceed. With the earlier versions it was possible to run the phone with a locked bootloader, now...
  4. FireEmerald

    Miui 9 Übersetzung Hilfe Und Neuer Github

    @ingbrzy Which device did you used for the compare of MIUI 9 7.7.28 with your MIUI 8? In your MIUIv9-XML-Compare repository on github are always multiple directories for different devices. (mido, sagit) Do these directories contain always the same files with the exact same content? Why do we...
  5. FireEmerald

    MULTI 7.7.6

    MiNotePro Got two problems which are more or less annoying on this version: Sometimes it happens that, after turning on the phone, the mi logo bootscreen only flashes (on/off) until you hold keys to boot into recovery. Inside of the calendar app, open up 2017, month view July and create a...
  6. FireEmerald

    MULTI 7.4.13/14

    I've got a MiNote Pro (7.3.23) and since two weeks now i'm unable to install any App, because the Google PlayStore tells me always: Waiting for Wifi... For various other phones this bug was fixed in 7.4.6 - but since 7.4.6 (including) MiNote Pro roms are delayed or suspended. So should i have...
  7. FireEmerald

    MULTI 7.3.23

    I saw on my MiNote Pro, while updating to this version inside of TWRP, two lines like Unknown command or something similar written in red - is this normal? or should i be worried.
  8. FireEmerald

    Mail App Delay

    I'm using the build in mail app of MIUI. If i read or move a mail using the app and then take a look at my mail account using the homepage or Outlook (about 30min later) nothing is updated - mails are still unread or unmoved. Does the mail app only update the made changes in 1 hour intervals...
  9. FireEmerald

    Übersetzungskorrekturen | Miui V7 | Deutsch []

    Bzgl. MIUI 8 und dem Github Repository könnte man einen neuen Branch anlegen namens MIUI8 bzw. den alten in MIUI7 umbenennen und im gleichen Zug mal die ganzen Wackelblume-X Branches löschen.
  10. FireEmerald

    MULTI 6.4.21

    In the first post is written: Now when is it exactly possible to use the updater app and when not?
  11. FireEmerald

    MULTI 6.4.14

    The last OTA update for my Note Pro was 6.1.7 on Jan 8, 2016 - 4 month are gone now and there was none OTA since then. I have in mind, that someone wrote that there will be every month a OTA update? What's wrong?
  12. FireEmerald

    Ota Downloadspeed

    Hey guys, is it normal, that the OTA Downloadspeed is so ridiculous? (~ 50-150 K/s) It takes always hours for me to download a OTA Update using WiFi with a (normally) 5 MB/s Internet connection. Greetings, FireEmerald Note: I'm using a MiNote Pro
  13. FireEmerald

    5.12.17-keine Wetterdaten (mi4i)

    Versuche mal folgendes: Source:
  14. FireEmerald

    Übersetzungskorrekturen | Miui V7 | Deutsch []

    Es kommt ja auch immer darauf an, ob du jetzt 24/7 das Handy an hast, mit WLAN + Bluetooth + GPS + ... oder ob du es nur ab und zu benutzt um deine Mails zu checken ;) Bei mir hält der Akku aktuell 2-3 Tage. ps.: Awake = Aktiv
  15. FireEmerald

    Übersetzungskorrekturen | Miui V7 | Deutsch []

    @Howieson33 Wurde korrigiert mit 1e77182 (von vivanco)