Recent content by Hexxer

  1. H


    Thanks. Its a Magisk Probleme. Solved :)
  2. H


    Will do this. Need a minute.
  3. H


    I have the same problem on a Cepheus (Mi9). Latest Beta to 12.5 with latest TWRP and Magisk 20.4. All i see is MI Logo, than the system reboot. I can boot to TWRP, but not the system-
  4. H

    New Slow Motion is dead? Mi9 since a lot of versions

    Hi, latest version, version bvefore and so on. My Mi9 isnt able to record SlowMotion. Thats just normal video files.
  5. H

    New SlowMotion dosent work

    Hi, im on a Mi9 and sind 2 or 3 versions i cant record slow motions. The videos became normal speed, whether on the smarftphone or a PC. Sometimes the first view on the Mi9 are correct, but later the same video is normal speed
  6. H

    MIUI 12.1 20.7.30

    Is there a possible Bug withe SlowMotion? I record something and, first tiume, slowmotion works...but than the video dosent show slow motion, its normal speed. whether on the smartphone or a PC (a have a mi9)
  7. H

    MIUI 11.2 20.3.26 (Final)

    OK, maby in "" it works. Thanks ;). But i do all of this and the icon appears on and on.
  8. H

    MIUI 11.2 20.3.26 (Final)

    I cant find the answer. How to disable this anoying blue icon upper left? I try disable security and so on. Mi9.
  9. H

    MIUI 11.2 20.3.26 (Final)

    I got a huge problem after a mistiake by me. Mi9 Cepheus, TWRP is still there I flashed the final over the fault. System failed,.... Wiped everything. Installed this version. If i start the system i takes a long time. Than i need to "activate" my device, But it is not possible because...
  10. H

    MIUI 10 9.7.25

    I need an advice. I cant find the SIM.-PIN Change option, nor in german or english. The option is not where it should and i need it
  11. H

    MIUI 10 9.7.4

    Im on a Mi9. Since this version i got a massive battery drain. Overnight with FlightMode On 14-18% lost. No changes since the version bevor, no new apps.
  12. H

    Known Issues (Weekly ROM) Also happend in the latest version from today
  13. H

    Known Issues (Weekly ROM)

    If have exact the same problem. But downgrade also dosent work. I guess thee is one file new that wont change in the old version.
  14. H

    New Failure to unlock with fingerprint in rom 9.5.23 in Pocophone

    Hi, im on a Mi9 and ionstalled exact this version: (there should be a fix for some crahes) Without the AOD the sensor dosent light up if i put up the phone. No way to unlock if the screen is black. With the AOD the screen ist....wonder ;)...
  15. H

    MIUI 10 9.5.23

    Is it possible to change some thing? Im not so got in english. Im comming from OP3. If i wake up before my clock rings i can pull down the notofication bar and press "stop" (or so) In the MIUI i have to pull down, Clock opens, i have to press the wacke up clock and say "only for today"...