Recent content by Hiro27

  1. Hiro27

    MIUI 10 8.11.22/23

    Will report the result on mine after charging... For now its working fine without problem detected yet...
  2. Hiro27

    MIUI 10 8.11.22/23

    Fixed after reboot in mi5x..
  3. Hiro27

    MIUI 10 8.11.22/23

    Flash completed and works fine after updated twrp 3.2.3 on mi5x (twrp from here...
  4. Hiro27

    MIUI 10 8.11.22/23

    Black screen means you need to do full wipe before install i think. Same problem when updating from v 9 to v 10
  5. Hiro27

    MIUI 10 8.11.22/23

    Any wipe before flashing? Mine got error 7 message when trying to flash rom. Have tried wipe dalvik n cache but still got error 7 message
  6. Hiro27

    MIUI 10 8.11.22/23

    I got error 7 message.
  7. Hiro27

    MIUI 10 8.7.19

    Just flashed on my tiffany running 8.4.19. I got only lockscreen, a stat bar flash when pulled down and black screen all time.. Need advice... Please..
  8. Hiro27

    Mi5x Beta Rom 8.1.11 Mi Sound Enhancer Not Work Until Restarted

    Mi5x beta rom 8.1.11 mi sound enhancer not work until restarted. Sent from my MI 5X using Tapatalk
  9. Hiro27

    Stuck In "qualcomm Hs-usb Diagnostics 900e) Mode After Flashing

    Hi, please tell me how to flash with qloader 9008. My 5x failed flashing With qloader 9008, said hello packet cannot received Sent from my Redmi 3 using Tapatalk
  10. Hiro27

    Mi5x Dead With Qloader 9008 Mode Detected

    HI guys, i have a mi5x device comes with fake roms and original bootloader. after flashed xiaomi eu rom sometimes the phone hang, and a week later the phone hang while charging when i browsing in app, but after i tried to restart the phone, the phone just turned off. any button combination can't...
  11. Hiro27

    Some Bugs Found On Stable Version

    Sorry, the bug about the screen on time usage status wasn't exist. I've checked again just now and the SOT usage status displaying the right value. Sorry devs and everyone.. Sent from my MI 5X using Tapatalk
  12. Hiro27

    Some Bugs Found On Stable Version

    Hi devs, i've used for 3 days and i found some bugs. First, sometimes the phone freezes on opening an image in facebook post, and also have freeze once when i read whatsapp messages. The phone stop freezes as the phone locked and i unlocked it. Second, the battery usage is somehow drain...