Recent content by Hyun Nguyen

  1. Hyun Nguyen

    Release MIUI ROM 2.7.6 ROMS

    where can i find the radio flash match with MIUI rom - i'm using nexus s but i can'n connect with 3g? Plz help
  2. Hyun Nguyen

    Release MIUI ROM 2.7.6 ROMS

    why i can't use 3g for this rom in vietnam? Plz help me, every thing is great but the 3g connection doesn't work hic hic poor me!! i use nexus S miui rom 2.7.6
  3. Hyun Nguyen

    Release MIUI ROM 2.6.29

    Hi, i'm in Viet Nam, i have just up the new rom from your post, but i have a problem with my nexus s. The 3G connection of my phone doesn't work, how to fix it? or i download wrong rom for my nexus s? Plz feedback soon. Thanks a lot