Recent content by jack4ya

  1. J

    MULTI 6.9.22

    Aaaaah. I already wondered why weather widgets stopped working, yet other widgets work fine...
  2. J

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    Yup, mistakes were made. But that's what happens sometimes. It's called 'cutting edge'... Sometimes it makes you bleed. And ppl are (or should) be aware of this. Now: for making the bleeding stop: communicate everywhere to help ppl patch it. (Pun intended.) Good luck!
  3. J

    MULTI 6.7.7/11

    Confirmed. For several weeks btw. I think I sometimes don't even notice the reboots. It happens when I am NOT using the phone.
  4. J

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    Just to be sure ... there is a new smiui based on 6.6.30 when I check, so it should be miui 8, but there is no change log on that site, or this site. Correct?
  5. J

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    The one and only thing that worked for me -and no idea why- shut down your phone without a ROM installed. Start it (without a ROM). Obviously it won't start up fully, but wait until you see the logo. Then restart in recovery/trwp and install your ROM . Might be worth trying.
  6. J

    MULTI 6.6.16/17/18 - Miui 8

    Leave it. Mine took long as well.
  7. J

    MULTI 6.6.16/17/18 - Miui 8

    Am on a alpha 6.6.8 occasional random reboots on my mi4. But everything else, including browser and calculator are flawless. Reboots have been an issue for last two months, and don't bother me much. They happen when I am NOT using my phone. So not sure if I should update to this 6.6.17 version...
  8. J

    MULTI Miui 8 Alpha

    Not sure it wil work for you but what I did: - reboot into trwp - wipe > advanched > check all but leave internal storage intact (keep unchecked) - turn off device (yes, without an OS installed) (do not skip this, no idea why, but I had to do this!) - turn on and reboot into recovery trwp again...
  9. J

    MULTI Miui 8 Alpha

    Not sure it wil work for you but what I did: - reboot into trwp - wipe > advanched > check all but leave internal storage intact (keep unchecked) - turn off device (yes, without an OS installed) (do not skip this, no idea why, but I had to do this!) - turn on and reboot into recovery trwp again...
  10. J

    [rom]-- Smiui Rom -- Ultimate Custom Rom --[multilang,stable/weekly]

    Latest roms from miui gave me trouble. Even the stables. So I took the jump installing miui8 alpha English on my mi4 ... after some initial errors it works since yesterday. And flawlessly I might add. To my own surprise. Used trwp. Added a SuperSU, adaway, greenery, custom font, custom...
  11. J

    MULTI Miui 8 Alpha

    Not sure I like the colors / purple interface in the notification area... Nope I'm sure... :)
  12. J

    MULTI Miui 8 Alpha

    I have found no issues yet (after troubles installing though) (mi4) working and tested installed supersu adaway english language BT MiBand data/wifi themes font greenify camera gallery mail exchange (!) emoji switcher
  13. J

    MULTI Miui 8 Alpha

    WOW!! finally! I had to shut down the phone after wiping all (except storage) then reboot into recovery/trwp and flash the rom.
  14. J

    MULTI Miui 8 Alpha

    After several attempts I cannot get it on my mi4. (On both of them actually, we have two). Came from merged partitions mi, trwp 3, wiped all (except storage). Always error 7. Reverting to (s)miui... pity. EDIT :: an power down (even without an OS and rebooting into recovery then flsahing the...
  15. J

    MULTI Miui 8 Alpha

    System seems 1,2GB (812mb used) currently running exodus rom. Going to flash anyway just to be sure. Then try again.