Recent content by Jemeljsh

  1. Jemeljsh

    MIUI 13 22.4.6/7

    Thanks for prompt reply and your support ;). Long Live :emoji_thumbsup: Cheers once more (Transaction ID: 20994409578033717) ;)
  2. Jemeljsh

    MIUI 13 22.4.6/7

    @Igor Eisberg, Cheers Igor (Transaction ID: 20993305046829423). In the words of the great DJ Khaled "You Da Best". Havnt used a xiaomi phone for a while but will give this budget beast (mi 11 lite 5g ne) a test :). I understand that most dynamic widgets (ios look alikes) work only in...
  3. Jemeljsh

    MULTI 6.6.30

    Sorry for what may sound as a noob question, but how can I put miui in dialer? :-) I also how problems with proximity sensor in 6.6.30. Auto-brightness seems not to be working, plus the screen does not turn off while in call and covering the proximity sensor. Sometimes the screen won't turn off...
  4. Jemeljsh

    MULTI 6.6.30

    It seems that when on autobrightness the screen is very dark. Anyone else notices this? Its especially evident while outside.
  5. Jemeljsh

    MULTI 6.6.23

    Finally in miui v8 "tap home button to get to home screen" function works flawlessly. Mi5 running 6.6.23.
  6. Jemeljsh

    MULTI 6.6.16/17/18 - Miui 8

    Bug report -> Responsiveness of the home button when using the function "tap home to get to home screen" is pretty bad. Same as it was in those bad miui v7 versions in respect of this feature..
  7. Jemeljsh

    MULTI 6.6.16/17/18 - Miui 8

    I had the same question. I see that dialer app is now transparent when calling/receiving calls,but status bar and notification panel still has this ugly green shade. Anyway to change it?
  8. Jemeljsh

    MULTI 6.5.26 (Final)

    Its somewhat close. Been getting about ~5,5-6hours of sot through one charge and I am fine with that, so I have moved to 6.5.30 as my daily driver ;)
  9. Jemeljsh

    MULTI Miui 8 Alpha

    Please accept another small donation on my behalf. Much appreciated! Confirmation number: 5S452755AF5235542
  10. Jemeljsh

    MULTI Miui 8 Alpha

    It's the forums man. People forget how to read and although I have never been a developer, I always feel sorry for them for all those repeating questions (99,9% of which are answered in the first post) and constant requests on everything as if you are entitled to something. People should be more...
  11. Jemeljsh

    MULTI Miui 8 Alpha

    No Changelogs for ALPHA.. First post ->
  12. Jemeljsh

    MULTI 6.5.26 (Final)

    I missed the fact that 6.5.30 was released for mi5/gemini. I will give it a try in a minute and see how it performs with my usage pattern for a full battery cycle in comparison to 6.5.19. which is currently my stable daily driver from all latest miui 7 based roms and alpha roms.. Edit -> link...
  13. Jemeljsh

    MULTI 6.5.26 (Final)

    Nope. The notification skin/shade (call it how you want it) looks dull and ugly: Dialer theme (when receiving call either with opened text app or screen switched off) has also Is also repainted and no longer has aero/transparent theme. Transparent theme in System apps like Dialer...
  14. Jemeljsh

    MULTI 6.5.26 (Final)

    Have not and will not try 6.5.30 as am using only ROMS and from what I know they won't be releasing 6.5.30 for mi5. It seems I will stay with 6.5.19 since with the apps I am using I experience zero bugs + it has great battery life. I am also testing latest alpha versions in parallel...
  15. Jemeljsh

    MULTI 6.5.26 (Final)

    Been going back and forth with 6.5.12, 6.5.19, 6.5.26 on my Mi5 (64gb, black) to test how the battery performs on each of them, since there are no major differences between the roms feature/bug wise and it seems that battery life is the best with 6.5.19 when comparing these 3 last versions of...