Recent content by kikmyaz

  1. K

    HyperOS 1.0 24.6.10/11

    @ingbrzy latest release of PIF can already pass STRONG integrity, are we going to implement this in Xiaomi EU too? For context EDIT: Nvm we're too late that leaked pixel 1 keybox is now history
  2. K many bugs

    Just confirming here - do you have the CN model or global? From the config it looks like it's a CN - in that case this seems to be a known issue among CN houji and aurora where messages are not delivering via 3rd party messaging apps. It's a strange bug but global devices can use Google Messages...
  3. K

    Package Installer Issues on Xiaomi EU

    Seriously though... not trying to nitpick the work by the team. Actually after examining most of your selection regarding which CN or global apks to keep for the .eu firmware, it is quite evident you guys did a good job pruning the useless features and only keeping the most helpful feature set...
  4. K

    Package Installer Issues on Xiaomi EU

    As I understand "com.miui.packageinstaller" is a crucial part of CN firmware. However, upon pulling and decompiling the latest version of this package (shipped in the stable Xiaomi EU firmware) I discovered there are additional hidden KPI based ads buried in it. Specifically these are...
  5. K

    New Android Dynamic System Updates (DSU) Broken ONLY on (Previously Working on Stock)

    Device is unlocked and with installed to primary slot. Attempted to use Dynamic System Updates for sideloading a test system.img known to boot with EU base (test images include stock image and a GSI image) when installed via fastbootd, but the newly installed DSU system appears to NOT...