Recent content by kolange

  1. K

    Help Hyperos USB OTG

    Anyone can help?
  2. K

    Help Hyperos USB OTG

    Apart from downgrading, is there any other way to increase transfer USB OTG speed in Hyperos? Why in miui14 speed was good but in Hyperos is to slow?
  3. K

    Help Hyperos USB OTG

    Thanks . I don't have. So this model can be downgraded, right?
  4. K

    Help Hyperos USB OTG

  5. K

    Help Hyperos USB OTG

    hello. I have mi11t Pro. Since I switched from miui14 to hyperos, the transfer speed with USB otg has decreased greatly. In miui 14, the speed was very good and I had no problems. Can someone help me ? Can I downgrade to miui 14 again?