Recent content by mankokoma

  1. mankokoma

    HyperOS 2.0 HyperOS 2.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Garnet Redmi Note 13 Pro 5G Just here to mention, that the upgrade from Hyper 1 to 2 was no problem (fastboot with MacBook Air with mx linux). A pity that control center is mandatory now :( But I like the densed home screen 5x9
  2. mankokoma

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Just installed & No Problems, yet. Everything running as usual, no glitches and no problems. Thanks a lot to all workers on it!
  3. mankokoma

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    good to know, thanks, so I keep the old one. Any knowledge about eSim behavior?
  4. mankokoma

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Thanks, and yes I know, how to handle 'updater'*.zip files and I know how to use fastboot. To be more specific: My '' which I got from your linked thread (thanks to @gogocar62 ) contains a modem.img from 05/27/2024, so I was wondering if there's a newer and maybe 'better'...
  5. mankokoma

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    sounds plausible to me. to get the latest modem.img I would have to download the latest global rom and swap the modem.img in the updater zip, right?
  6. mankokoma

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Mi-Browser is always disabled on my phones... all other browsers behave normal here.
  7. mankokoma

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Just upgraded to on the garnet redmi note 13 pro 5g. Everything seems fine so far. May I ask why we have to flash the global modem.img after every upgrade and why it's not implemented beforehand? Not complaining just curious about the reason. Thanks for the great work.
  8. mankokoma

    Poco F3 reboot random or boot loop

    on my POCO F3 the random reboots were gone after switching ON the memory extension.
  9. mankokoma

    Poco F3 Alioth to lineageos

    As the Poco F3 alioth's life ended here, I wanna move on to lineageos. There's recommended to install global OS1.0.2.0.TKHMIXM firmware before flashing lineageos. Is that really necessary or can I just go from here to lineage via TWRP with TKHCNXM from here? Any experiences here? Thanks. It's...
  10. mankokoma

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Hi There, still and always thanks to the best phone devs (!!!) in the world wide wait area and the well active members for years! Got this Garnet device for a few weeks now and actually in China someone finally gave the permission to unlock. Strange ways were necessary, all documented in many...
  11. mankokoma

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Thanks to you devs'n'stuff and of course Xiaomi for the last update for the Alioth / Poco F3 / k40 No problem after installing via TWRP, yet. As always for many years now I won't expect bad things! BUT, and that's what I wanted to mention for several...
  12. mankokoma

    Poco F3: upgrade MIUI 14 to HyperOS

    I dirty flashed it over the last miui stable via TWRP as any miui before. No problem here, all banking and wallet is working with fingerprint and the battery lasts longer than before. I don't like the permission settings for the apps, more confusing now, but that's not a catastrophe... No...
  13. mankokoma

    HyperOS 1.0 HyperOS 1.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Maybe a silly question, before doing the upgrade on poco F3 Alioth - and yes, I know, best would be to format data, blabla... So, has anyone done a "dirty flash" over the last stable MIUI via TWRP? Far too many functions added in the last 2-1/2 years to restore everything manually :-/ EDIT...
  14. mankokoma


    first thing I would check, if the sim card works in another phone
  15. mankokoma


    Same here. Yet no problem to report. Thanks a lot!