Recent content by marcodj

  1. M

    How to install ROM for devices A/B

    Hello, everyone. I bought the Mi 11 Lite 5G NE (lisa) a week ago. Now I wanted to ask when the device gets a rom? Can someone help me with information
  2. M

    Anti-rollback on EU rom question?

    Hi Im on the 8.5.8 can i get without arb to the new 8.9.20? Gesendet von meinem MIX 2 mit Tapatalk
  3. M

    MIUI 10 8.9.6

    Hello. Can i dirty flash my Mi Mix 2 from MIUI9 - 8.5.8 to the MIUI10 - 8.9.6? Gesendet von meinem MIX 2 mit Tapatalk
  4. M

    MULTI 8.4.19

    Can someone help me... I have installed the new 8.4.26 for my Mi Mix2 and now i´m on bootloop.
  5. M

    MULTI 8.3.1

    And now? That is a very small Problem! Wait like the other people too for the Update. Gesendet von meinem MIX 2 mit Tapatalk
  6. M

    MULTI 8.3.1

    @LevaNi90 @Jahalloerstmal Do you actually read here in this Thread??? Stop spamming The answer is on this Page!! Gesendet von meinem MIX 2 mit Tapatalk
  7. M

    MULTI 7.12.7

    7.12.7 is the new Firmware with the error. Gesendet von meinem Mi Mix 2
  8. M

    MULTI 7.12.7

    German has the same Problem Gesendet von meinem Mi Mix 2
  9. M

    MULTI 7.12.7

    Installed apps crashes in security app. Not working on my Mi Mix 2. Gesendet von meinem Mi Mix 2
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    MULTI 7.11.2

    Problem with WhatsApp on my Mi Mix 2. Have no Connect to the Internet. Can not send and received Messages. Whats the Problem? Other Apps are connected with the Internet. Gesendet von meinem MIX 2 mit Tapatalk
  11. M

    MULTI 7.10.12/13/14

    Can i delete the Wallpaper Carousel? I Dont find the App or the Folder. Gesendet von meinem ONEPLUS A3003 mit Tapatalk