Recent content by MPC561

  1. M

    MIUI 11.1 9.12.5/6

    MI9 SE Display problems increased. Had already with the last 2 Versions problems that the display was sometimes not bright after wakup of the screen. But at least the display was nocht flickering. Now I have a real flickering of the screen. It switches between bright and dark with a frequency...
  2. M

    MIUI 11.1 9.11.21/22

    MI9 SE I have also strange behaviour with the brightness. If I´m in a longer phone call the screen dims so much (after a certain time) that I can nearly nothing see. Also if i try to push the screen it stays dimmed. If I want to switch to another application parallel to the phonecall it stays...
  3. M

    xiaomi mi 9 se EU ROM

    TWRP: Click But I not have tested it.
  4. M

    MULTI 8.2.1

    Beg your pardon Sir, I have a low EQ. :p
  5. M

    MULTI 8.2.1

    No, not via fastboot. Unlock, install TWRP via fastboot, then boot into twrp and flash this ROM from TWRP.
  6. M

    MULTI 8.2.1

    I have also a high Idle Power Drain with Mi Mix 2. There are very often wakeup phases, also in the night. At least for me I could stop it by freezing (root + AppQuarantine) the Calendar App and the sync of the calendar with google. Of course thats only a temporary solution... Greets, Joerg
  7. M

    MULTI 7.12.14

    Mi Mix 2, 6/128: In parallel to the problem with the Display Grid which is no more configurable I have also a Akkudrain Problem. The phone is very often active and I can not identify the reason as it´s always Androidsystem or Kernel shown. It "think" I have this since the new Xiaomi EU 7.12.14...
  8. M

    MULTI 7.12.14

    @PmarX3 Donwload stops sometimes without having 100% of the file. If the updater is then cleaned from RAM and started again he offers to flash the new version although the file was not 100% downloaded. After being in TWRP the MD5 reports an error. Delete the update and the MD5 file manually...
  9. M

    MULTI 7.12.14

    Mi Mix2 6/128. Also for me the 5x6 grid is no more available.
  10. M

    Sim Card Issues With Mix 2 And Telekom (de)

    2 T-Mobile cards here (private and work), one card is from 2008 (used a cutter to make a nano SIM from normal SIM) and one from last year. I used the Cards already in a lot of different Phones (Iphone 3G, 4, 5, OPO, OP2, XiaomiMI5, 5S, Redmi Note 4) Never had any Issue. Kein Problem.
  11. M

    Twrp By Iceman_it

    Works nearly perfectly. But me has also the problem that no MTP connection is possible with this TWRP (at least for me).
  12. M

    MULTI 7.10.12/13/14

    Problem with Mi Mix 2: - Open an App (me used Newsbin) - Push short the ON/OFF button to go to sleep - Wake Up and unlock the device via Fingerprintscanner button ---> Softbuttons and Status Bar are disappeared. A touch on the display does not bring them back, you need to make another action...
  13. M

    Other Roms For Mi Mix 2

    First ROM... As Mark said, report it in the correct thread. At least the device is not bricked. Btw. Thanks for the feedback wildlime!
  14. M

    Other Roms For Mi Mix 2

    There is the first ROM available since yesterday/today. Take care, you need a TWRP too and you need the unlock. Greets, Joerg
  15. M Is Very Bugged

    No, flashed on friday. Simply looked at the standby consumption over 1,5 days. Had something around 0,8% per hour in GSAM. With it was more then 1,3% per hour (iirc). As for me Standby and DoT is more important then high processing Power I switched now to a Redmi Note 4 Global. 3 days...