Recent content by Mustafa Eldetme

  1. M

    HyperOS 2.0 HyperOS 2.0 STABLE RELEASE

    If fastboot stays on the screen 14 ultra, can I go back without losing data?
  2. M

    HyperOS 2.0 HyperOS 2.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Is it possible to use artificial intelligence features in this version?
  3. M

    HyperOS 2.0 HyperOS 2.0 STABLE RELEASE

    14 pro OS1.24.7.28.DEV currently in version now
  4. M

    HyperOS 2.0 HyperOS 2.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Can I install it on without losing data?
  5. M

    HyperOS 2.0 HyperOS 2.0 STABLE RELEASE

    Can I install it on without losing data?
  6. M

    HyperOS 1.0 23.11.17/19

    if open twrp you can flash in the twrp. if not open twrp and open fastboot mode flash twrp than flash in twrp
  7. M

    HyperOS 1.0 23.11.17/19

    you can with fastboot mode flash update.bat
  8. M

    HyperOS 1.0 23.11.17/19

    new update have problem i was downgrade 11.08 version
  9. M

    HyperOS 1.0 23.11.17/19

    İ am flashing this update 23.11.19 for 13 pro but google services crush, not work cellular and wifi :oops: downgrade 23.11.08 everythings is working fine
  10. M

    MIUI 10 9.4.11/12

    With gsm call but there are problems with incoming calls. no problem when i call. other applications have not tried obviously
  11. M

    MIUI 10 9.4.11/12

    hello, i update 9.4.11 but don't hear the other party's voice. what can i do for this ?
  12. M

    [MI8 - dipper] MIUI Camera vs BSG *no-support-for-this-app-on-this-forum* Port

    hi, which camera better ? MGC_6.1.021_MI8_V2e+ or MGC_6.1.021_MI8_V2b