Recent content by nanobgd

  1. N

    Resolved SMS app crash 2.4.13 SGS2

    Not a big deal? lol
  2. N

    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.23 ROMS [ICS] & [GB]

    Of course. /boot /data /cache /system /sdcard all ;)
  3. N

    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.23 ROMS [ICS] & [GB]

    The latest Nexus S build doesn't boot
  4. N

    Resolved 2.3.16 BUGS

    i wiped /boot, /data, /cache, /system, and /sdcard. That is a proper full wipe. Please do so and test it again... LE: If a bug report is being ungrateful, then just remove the bugs section...
  5. N

    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.16 [ICS & GB] ROMS Uploaded

    I posted a thread in the BUGS section. Please check it, Mark
  6. N

    Resolved 2.3.16 BUGS

    Ok here are the major bugs I found in the NEXUS S version : so the 4g should not be there, the power menu is messed up, gallery doesn't work, THE LOCKSCREEN IS IN CHINESE and there are more. Seriously, there bugs should not happen. I prefer a rom uploaded sunday that is tested and with no...
  7. N

    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.16 [ICS & GB] ROMS Uploaded

    woow the power menu is all messed up!o_O
  8. N

    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.16 [ICS & GB] ROMS Uploaded

    The NS version has 4g settings... and when you select it of course it FCs
  9. N

    Release MIUI ROM 2.3.16 [ICS & GB] ROMS Uploaded

    Great! Just a quick observation: miuiandroid build.prop has the following string: 4.0.3 ITL41D 2.3.16 release-keys official build.prop has the following...
  10. N

    Xiaomi MiCode github to feature apk source XMLs

    So when can we expect to receive perfectly translated apks?
  11. N

    Release MIUI ROM 2.2.17 [ICS] [NEXUS S]

    One final glitch i found: The first time when you open Music.apk, when you click on "all songs" it FCs
  12. N

    Release MIUI ROM 2.2.17 [ICS] [NEXUS S]

    I rebooted twice and I get the same
  13. N

    Release MIUI ROM 2.2.17 [ICS] [NEXUS S]

    everything is fine now except the Data Usage settings cause Settings to FC. This is the logcat that I could get: I/ActivityManager( 160): Displayed +382ms D/OpenGLRenderer( 692): Flushing caches (mode 0) D/dalvikvm( 692): GC_EXPLICIT freed 10K, 6% free...