Recent content by nullpointer

  1. nullpointer

    New Mi9 Android Auto Connectivity 20.1.2/4

    Yup, seems like AOD is causing it, although I also have the freezing issue on disconnect every time still. So I still consider it somewhat broken... I have reverted to an older version now because I need AA to be stable. Please report back if it gets fixed in a future version!
  2. nullpointer

    New Mi9 Android Auto Connectivity 20.1.2/4

    Yes, Android Auto does not freeze after a short time anymore with AOD off, although on a 1 hour drive, the phone got stuck twice and had to be rebooted.
  3. nullpointer

    New Mi9 Android Auto Connectivity 20.1.2/4

    Confirmed. Exactly the same behaviour on my phone.
  4. nullpointer

    Android Auto very slow to connect

    Hello guys, I need some help with Android Auto: After connecting my Mi9 to my car via USB (Bluetooth connects instantly), it takes around 3 minutes until it recognizes my phone and Android Auto starts. Tried it with 2 other non-MIUI phones and it works instantly. Anyone with a similar...
  5. nullpointer

    Finally Google pay working on my Mi9

    Hi, I am the creator of that script. Thanks for sharing it! If you run into any issues in the future, please keep me updated.
  6. nullpointer

    New to MIUI - major gripes with stock-ROM

    Yes, the notification bug is indeed fixed on this ROM. Although it has already been fixed by Xiaomi for quite a while now (Dev builds as you already figured out), but they didn't yet manage to update the stable branch. Also, yes, the display fingerprint scanner is (marginally) slower than the...
  7. nullpointer

    MULTI 7.12.7

    No, at least not for me. Mi6 7.12.7 here.
  8. nullpointer

    MULTI 7.10.12/13/14

    Wow, September security patch on Mi6! Thanks a lot, ROM is working flawlessly.
  9. nullpointer

    MULTI 7.9.21/22

    I will try, thanks! I was afraid to go to TWRP so it doesnt discharge even more, but I'm gonna do it now.
  10. nullpointer

    MULTI 7.9.21/22

    Thanks for the answer but even after an hour on quickcharger it's still empty...
  11. nullpointer

    MULTI 7.9.21/22

    @ingbrzy Sorry for spam but the problem is that my phone is completely empty - I think I cant get into TWRP with 0 battery right? I can just flash fixed boot.img in fastboot maybe?
  12. nullpointer

    MULTI 7.9.21/22

    Edit, deleted double post
  13. nullpointer

    MULTI 7.9.21/22

    Hello guys, I really need help right now, my Mi6 doesnt charge when turned off, it just goes to fastboot. I know this bug got fixed but I'm on vacation right now and couldn't update. @ingbrzy I remember last time a similar bug was fixed by flashing boot.img - am I right? What should I do...
  14. nullpointer

    MULTI 7.8.31

    Same issue for me, version 60.0.3112.116 and 7.8.31 on Mi6
  15. nullpointer

    MULTI 7.8.24

    Can confirm, same on my Mi6