Recent content by Paulus123

  1. P

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    I always perform a clean install. The first day for me this rom is fast, the next it starts to slow down, and finally apps begin to crash. Verstuurd vanaf mijn MI 2S met Tapatalk
  2. P

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    I used this rom up to RC6 and always had to reboot every 1 - 2 days, because the phone became very slow and apps could not be started anymore. (out of memory I think). I now use from @marvollo and it is working...
  3. P


    This looks very promising. I loved the Kitkat PAC roms. Is this rom using the (latest) Xiaomi partition layout?
  4. P

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    When I unzip RC5 on windows, I get an error [80004005] in system.patch.dat. Unzipping RC4 works fine. So I think your uploaded ROM is corrupt ...
  5. P

    [rom][cm12.1] Last Hope Rom - Best Rom Ever? ;)

    Made a small Paypal donation for you. I really appreciate your work!
  6. P

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Marshmallow 6.0 - [6.3.22]

    Ok... Solution: Flash superSU zip from Other question: When I connect to my PC I see my Mi2S (as media device) in explorer, but it contains an empty storage and I cannot copy files. Any idea?
  7. P

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Marshmallow 6.0 - [6.3.22]

    No root access? I enabled Developer options, but cannot enable root-access from there. What to do?
  8. P

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Marshmallow 6.0 - [6.3.22]

    Well, I finally succeeded to install this. The steps above did it (more or less): Flash_all the first time did give a failure, something like "image too large", when writing the system img. Tou have to select 'flash all' at the bottom of MiFlash before pressing the 'Flash' button Repeatedly...
  9. P

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Marshmallow 6.0 - [6.3.22]

    Where can I find ivan's recovery? What recovery did you people use to flash this rom?
  10. P

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Marshmallow 6.0 - [6.3.22]

    I tried this rom, but it did not start. My configuration: Mi2S 32GB Partitions created with Micha's Unified_single_Xiaomi partition scheme. Running Last Hope RC3 (almost) without problems Using TWRP for merged data- and system-partitions from...
  11. P

    Bluetooth connection not working

    Today installed Mokee 20150124 RELEASE. Bluetooth with my carkit is working again!
  12. P

    Bluetooth connection not working

    I have the same bluetooth problem with Mokee. The last Mokee-version that did connect was the 2014-09-26-RELEASE version. Since then, I tried several newer versions, but they all behaved exactly as you described. I did not see anyone else complaing yet.
  13. P

    Mokee OS OFFICIAL Android 4.4.4 ( Updated on daily basis)

    Nobody using this rom? I am using 140813-RELEASE version, and it's absolutely perfect! No bugs (at least I did not find any), smooth and very low battery drain. Pitty that not much people are using it, or not writing in this forum.
  14. P

    [ROM][Official][4.4.4] CyanogenMod 11.0 Nightlies for the Xiaomi MI2 (aries)

    You installed mini gapps AND gapps? You should only install mini gapps.
  15. P

    need help to port ubuntu touch on Xiaomi MI2s

    I don't understand why... Roms don't need (and have) knowledge about TDB, or do they ...