Recent content by Raiser82

  1. R

    Deep Sleep

    ciao ho grossi problemi di scarica della batteria, il mio telefono in 8 ore perde dal 4 al 6% ... quando non lo uso ... Invece quando lo uso non mi rende nemmeno un giorno ... lo faccio 3 ore di schermo acceso e 1 giorno di ricarica .. Se riproduco o guardo video entro 5 o 6 ore e lo scarico
  2. R

    Idle battery drain , would flashing help?

    Same problem google play services and Frameworks that consume my battery, but sometimes the consumption is low but anyway it goes down quite fast. it lasts me from 9 hours to a maximum of 1 day!
  3. R

    Help Battery Drain Redmi note 7

    Hi I have a problem, since I bought my redmi note 7 the charge never lasted as several users told me in the forums. My phone makes me maybe 1 day, sometimes even 9 hours. I noticed that it consumes so much even just going to the phone menu, it drops every 6 or 7 minutes by 1% ... Wanted to know...