Recent content by RN3Pro

  1. R

    MULTI 7.12.14

    Works pretty Good on rn3pro and mi6. But why rom is not shipped with latest gapps (system webview,google keyboard,..)? If we update it through playstore it installs in /data instead of /system, so we are left with less space? I
  2. R

    MULTI 7.5.18/19

    It works fine for me on kenzo, but I did a clean flash. Just strange why official roms are not out for 18.05
  3. R

    MULTI 7.5.18/19

    Doesnt pass safetynet on my kenzo with latest Magisk 12 and eu rom. Havent tried on this update yet...not even official global stable doesnt pass, if you have unlocked BL. By the way, is this true release for this weekly, why arent they on official site? It works fine though
  4. R

    MULTI 7.4.13/14

    He means android security patch date... On kenzo it is 1.4.2017 since last week.
  5. R

    MULTI 7.4.6

    Please optimise kenzo, it has been a bit laggy last few builds :(
  6. R

    MULTI 7.4.6

    Obviously each has own ROM build.
  7. R

    MULTI 7.4.6

    Also around 15h deep sleep in it, consumed only about 1%. 34% left, then i went to sleep and put it on a charger... I flashed universal mod patch from xda, because it was little bit laggy for me, but I was coming from Nitrogen OS 7.1.2 2hich I think is same amooth that this miui now with...
  8. R

    MULTI 7.4.6

    Wow , you guys are really getting bad SoT. I never had less than 10h SoT on kenzo... Anything less than 7h is really bad
  9. R

    MULTI 7.4.6

    Little laggy scrolling etc on kenzo with this latest, after I flashed universal performance mod, its very smooth :) Battery is fine...about 7-8%/h with normal usage. 8h30min SoT and still have 34% left. I was using custom roms for kenzo since december and now returned back to miui atleast for a...
  10. R

    MULTI 7.4.6

    Ah guys still using miui in 2017 :D Too much closed frameworks included...just like with google services
  11. R

    MULTI 7.3.30

    Any kenzo users still using this? :)
  12. R

    MULTI 7.3.23

    Have you had the newest weekly installed for some time? reboot few times, Ahh, thats not good imo...i get usually 10h + SoT...even on this latest. Somethings very off with you guys that you are getting such baf sot. With heavy gaming it consumes 15-20/h max, with just browsing and light usage...
  13. R

    MULTI 7.3.23

    I am just wondering, why is System WebView and google text to speech always old release. I have to update everytime although this updates were like half a year ago. Another question for Kenzo users that are regularly flashing xiaomi eu, which were the best roms performance/battery wise?
  14. R

    MULTI 7.3.23

    All fine on my kenzo, have you tried clean flash and wipe cahe/dalvik? I tried flashing 7.2.24 too, but havent noticed any difference.
  15. R

    MULTI 7.3.23

    No man..I have it since september, box says it was made in August 2016. I got it with fpc sensor,.. Had flashed countless roms on it... Really heavy use and still I hit 10h + on most roms, but the beat results i get with miui and NOS. By the way, batteries are like 15€, so not a big deal if it...