Recent content by sakura10

  1. sakura10

    MI5 is not dead. rom update 9.1.24

    New release Inviato dal mio MI 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
  2. sakura10

    MI5 is not dead. rom update 9.1.24

    It is much higher than the miui. Android 9, no bugs, excellent battery, many customizations, constantly updated. There is no comparison Inviato dal mio ONEPLUS A6013 utilizzando Tapatalk]
  3. sakura10

    MI5 is not dead. rom update 9.1.24

    I went to Syberia, fantastic, there are no comparisons Inviato dal mio ONEPLUS A6013 utilizzando Tapatalk
  4. sakura10

    No More ROM update ?

    The latest releases have problems, Google Maps does not work. The xiaomi team has disappointed. I'm happy to have switch ed rom to the Pixel Experience (xda) And at the next purchase I will take an oneplus. Xiaomi only wants to sell without solving problems Inviato dal mio MI 5 utilizzando...
  5. sakura10


    Crazy, it's unacceptable Inviato dal mio MI 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
  6. sakura10

    MIUI 10 8.12.13

    Yes, I know it's R. I. P .. but since the latest releases have this serious bug I think it's a duty of xiaomi to fix it. Inviato dal mio MI 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
  7. sakura10

    MIUI 10 8.12.13

    Mi5 Please fix Hi, I have a mi5 and with the last two releases it is no longer possible to use Google Maps on navigation, It crashes or freeze. The old releases have this bug. Is there a version to solve the problem? It is a serious problem. I hope it is resolved now that the development...
  8. sakura10

    Invalid Maps crash on mi5

    If I do not solve, I have to do it too. Does the battery last longer? Inviato dal mio MI 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
  9. sakura10


    mi5 Please, can you tell me if the stable solves the problems of navigation with Google Maps? Inviato dal mio MI 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
  10. sakura10

    Invalid Maps crash on mi5

    So many users have this problem. Maps is a very useful application, as it is possible that the team does not solve this bug. Instead of putting out unnecessary features and ending support for mi5 ... Can not concentrate on solving important things? For them it is better to churn out identical...
  11. sakura10

    Invalid Maps crash on mi5

    does not work Inviato dal mio MI 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
  12. sakura10


    Hello, I would like to know from the owners of mi5 if the stable solves the problems of navigation with Google Maps This bug Inviato dal mio MI 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
  13. sakura10

    Invalid Maps crash on mi5

    I was wrong, it does not work Inviato dal mio MI 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
  14. sakura10

    Invalid Maps crash on mi5

    I do not solved with this version :( I've lost hope for future updates. Mi5 is death E.O.L. Inviato dal mio MI 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
  15. sakura10

    Invalid Maps crash on mi5

    Can you tell me which version to install? I would like to avoid the stable. Inviato dal mio MI 5 utilizzando Tapatalk