Recent content by showstopper

  1. S

    New To Xiaomi - Little Advice

    Sure. Here is where all custom roms are - This is the one i used - The fingerprint scanner doesn't work (very few custom roms have this working on the Redmi 3, the note...
  2. S

    New To Xiaomi - Little Advice

    Thanks guys for all your help and tips. I have finally managed to unlock the bootloader, install twrp recovery and get cyanogenmod installed. Many thanks!
  3. S

    New To Xiaomi - Little Advice

    Thanks - i will try this. I think i may have an issue with my drivers. The phone is connected perfectly in windows, but is not detected when booted into fastboot.
  4. S

    New To Xiaomi - Little Advice

    What did you use to flash the rom (updater or Mi PC Suite?) Could you link me to the ROM you used please?
  5. S

    New To Xiaomi - Little Advice

    Thanks but i am stuck at step 1 - install developer rom.
  6. S

    New To Xiaomi - Little Advice

    If anyone does read this and wants to help please let me know!! So I have a Redmi Pro 3 - pretty much all guides i can find are for the Note Pro 3! I am running MIUI Global | Stable (LHPCDB) I have applied for official bootloader unlock and have had the text saying that it has been...
  7. S

    New To Xiaomi - Little Advice

    It's not going very well!! I have my unlock SMS but it keeps failing at 50%. Pretty sure it's because i dont have china developer rom. I cant get that ROM installed though!!
  8. S

    New To Xiaomi - Little Advice

    OK so i am following the guide and everytime i try to install the china dev rom it says "Can't verify update" I have Mi PC suite and i get no driver issues in windows. I then reboot to recovery and windows fails to install the ADB driver - so i cannot connect. Any ideas grateful! I am trying...
  9. S

    New To Xiaomi - Little Advice

    Sorry just double checking the guides and it say's to unlock the BL you need to be running China developer rom. My device has MIUI Global 7.3 | Stable (LHPCDB) Does that mean that it is already unlocked and I can flash to EU Global Or do I need to flash to China developer ROM...
  10. S

    New To Xiaomi - Little Advice

    Phone has arrived and I have applied for unlocking bootloader. Now the wait continues!
  11. S

    New To Xiaomi - Little Advice

    Thanks for all the replies. It looks like i would like to flash to stock eu rom, from what i have read. Easier to do it when nothing is on it, then to have to back up stuff in the future!! Can anyone link to the latest guide and most stable firmware please?
  12. S

    New To Xiaomi - Little Advice

    Hi all, I've had a little look around the forum but my question is: I have just bought a Redmi Pro 3 and I have heard a lot of people saying to flash the eu rom when you get it. Is this necessary or do i need to see what is on the phone first? I will need gapps. Thanks! EDIT - Should...